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Five Campus Resources That Are Here To Help You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

CWC, CMASS, CCPH, Stonewall, WOCLN. There is a good chance that most UMass students might not be able to identify what or where these sources are. That isn’t really a surprise because a lot of these great resources are advertised to students. So here for you is a list of five resources on campus that you should feel welcome to check out because they are here to help you and offer you so many oppurtunities!

Center for Women and Community (CWC)

Phone: 413-545-0883

Hotline: 413-545-0800

Office Hours: Monday- Friday 9am to 4pm

Email: cwc@umass.edu

Location: 2nd floor of New Africa House at UMass Amherst

Their Mission: “To provide innovative and informed education, leadership opportunities, advocacy and support services that address the cause and impact of sexism and recognize the multiple oppressions experienced by women. We serve people of all gender identities within the diverse communities of Hampshire County, the Five Colleges and the University of Massachusetts.”

Website: https://www.umass.edu/cwc/

Center for Multicultural Advancement and Student Success

Phone: 413-545-2517

Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9am to 5pm

Email: cmass@stuaf.umass.edu

Location: 101 Wilder Hall

221 Stockbridge Road

UMass Amherst

Their Mission: “CMASS is comprised of four integrated functional areas: Academic Support, Student Development, Cultural Enrichment and Institutional Diversity. Using a student–centered approach which values collaboration, dialogue and action, the programs and services offered engage first-generation and ALANA (African, Latino/Latina, Asian and Native American) students and colleagues in courageous, inclusive and supportive learning experiences. We aim to create partnerships and collaborative possibilities, provide resources and advocate for students of color and other underrepresented constituencies to ensure academic success and personal growth.”

Website: http://www.umass.edu/cmass/

Center for Counseling and Psychological Health (CCPH)

Phone: 413-545-2337

Office Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30 to 5 PM

Location: 127 Hills North at 111 Thatcher Road or 415 New Africa House

180 Infirmary Way

Their Mission: “Length of therapy varies, with a primary focus on short-term treatment directed at helping students function in a university environment. You and your clinician will determine the best approach for you.

CCPH does not have the capacity to manage chronic conditions requiring intensive or frequent contacts. After an initial consultation, we may refer a student to more appropriate services in the community if the consultation reveals that the student’s needs exceed what our short-term model and staff specialty/expertise would fit.

Common examples of issues that may suggest referral for services in the community include:

  • issues of long standing or major mental illness which requires long-term or continuous treatment,
  • issues that require a student to need to be seen once per week over time,
  • students who are judged to be at high risk of harming self or others (and thus need more support and care than the center can provide),
  • student issues which require a type of therapy or approach not within the practice scope of the current staff,
  • student issues which suggest they may get significantly worse in short-term psychotherapy or are too fragile for short-term psychotherapy.”

Website: https://www.umass.edu/counseling/

The Stonewall Center

Phone: 413-545-4824

Office Hours: MWTHFR 8:30-5, Tuesdays 8:30-9

Email: stonewall@stuaf.umass.edu

Location: Crampton Hall in Southwest

Their Mission: A series of anti-LGB incidents in 1984 led to protests and the development of a report on the campus climate for lesbian, gay, and bisexual students at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. One of the report’s main recommendations was the creation of the Program for Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Concerns. The Program was established in fall 1985 as an administrative office in Student Affairs. We were renamed “The Stonewall Center: A Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, Queer, and Transgender Educational Resource Center” in 1995, and added “asexual” and “intersex” to our name in 2014.

When we opened in 1985, The Stonewall Center was just the third center of its kind on a college campus. Our center has served as a model for many other colleges and universities, and today more than 150 LGBT campus centers and offices exist across the United States and Canada.

For almost 30 years, the Stonewall Center has served the campus, the other Five Colleges, and the surrounding community by providing cultural and educational programming; LGBTQIA ally training sessions; a Speakers Bureau on LGBTQIA and ally issues; a dvd, video, and book library; information and referrals; support for individuals who experience harassment and discrimination; advocacy for LGBTQIA students at UMass Amherst; and community outreach through Queer-e, our weekly listserv of LGBTQIA and Allies Five-College and local events.

Website: http://www.umass.edu/stonewall/

Women of Color Leadership Network (WOCLN)

Phone: 413-545-1671

Hotline: 413-545-0800/Toll Free: 888-337-0800

Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm

Email: cwc@umass.edu

Location: New Africa House, 180 Infirmary Way, UMass

Their Mission: The mission of WOCLN is to connect women of color to each other for mutual support and learning. Through mentoring, workshops, events and programming, WOCLN raises women’s consciousness around issues of social identities, self-care, and self-expression. This program provides a comfortable and supportive space where women of color can discover who they are while achieving academic success. At WOCLN, women of color gain leadership skills necessary to make a difference in the communities of which they are a part.

Website: http://www.umass.edu/cwc/wocln



 Sources: 1,2,3,4,5, 



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Annelise Mahoney

U Mass Amherst

College girl, dog lover, food fanatic, fashion addict, makeup enthusiast, I will be famous so I'll meet you in Hollywood!  "I've never been a millionaire but I know I'd be just darling at it." - Dorothy Parker
Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst