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Programs Board Applications: Now Available!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

What is Programs Board? And what do they do?

Programs Board is part of ASCLUG (Associated Students of California Lutheran University Government). As a representative you are the voice of the student body at CLU and you will work together to create fun, on-campus and off-campus events that everyone can enjoy! 

Maybe you’ve heard of or attended some of the events Programs Board has planned?

The 5K Color Dash!

Monte Carlo Casino Night!

Let It Snow!

Homecoming Carnival!

Mr. Kingsmen!


Interested in meeting new people? Developing your communication skills? Organizing events for students to enjoy? Being creative? Taking on a larger leadership role at Cal Lu? And building your teamwork skills all while having fun?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, you should apply to become a representative on ASCLUG’s Programs Board. 

Programs Board is looking for: 

  • 4 Senior Representatives
  • 4 Junior Representatives
  • 4 Sophomore Representatives
  • 1 Commuter Representative 
  • 1 International Representative

Apply today through this link: https://callutheran.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9M57vX0yPil02r3

Interviews will be held March 9th, 2016- April 8th, 2016!

If you have any questions please feel free to contact Andres Elvira, Programs Board Director for the 2016-2017 school year at: aelvira@callutheran.edu.

Brittany is a junior at Cal Lutheran and a History Pedagogy Major. Her hometown lies in the heart of Minnesota, in Elk River. She's a member of the Women's Swim Team at Cal Lu and loves the sport. She's an aspiring educator and hopes to one day be teaching abroad. She enjoys Zumba, traveling, and watching the Food Network.
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