Spring break 2016 is sadly over, and as we return to hitting the books, it would seem that our relaxation and fun is over as well. However, there are multiple resources on campus and general techniques that can help you find the motivation to balance school work and free time. If you find the transition from vacation to school difficult, try some of these techniques and see what works for you.
1. Create a new tradition
Having a blast over break only to return to a mundane routine is the worst. That’s why creating a new tradition with your friends (yes, even in these last few weeks) can help you cope with the transition back to studying. It could be as simple as walking around the lakes with friends or a hosting a movie night, but creating a new habit will keep things interesting and will give you something to look forward to. It also incorporates relaxation into your schedule, making it a win-win idea.
2. Improve your sleeping habits
The recent time change may have taken an hour of sleep away, but Somni can help you get it back. Notre Dame is offering a Somni “Learn to Sleep” course that includes a sleeping kit among other things. At this point, you may have to join the waitlist for the spring session, but anything that helps you sleep and refresh is worth the wait, right?
3. Be mindful
Mindfulness is defined as a “means [of] maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment.” It’s a kind of meditation that involves focusing completely on your present self and surroundings. It may sound a bit strange, but research has shown that it can help lower stress levels. If you find yourself overwhelmed by everything you have to get done, taking time to de-stress can help you calm down and refocus. Consider attending the McWell Mindful Mondays to learn how to use mindfulness to your advantage.
4. Exercise
Haven’t gotten around to fulfilling your New Year’s resolution? Well like they say, better late than never! With all of the fitness resources on campus, it’s difficult not to exercise. If you suffer from gymtimidation and don’t utilize the workout rooms because of it, you can always sign up for a free equipment orientation at the Notre Dame gym of your choice. Aside from making your body physically healthy, exercise has also been connected to less stressed, happier people.
It can be hard to keep ourselves motivated as we enter the final stretch. Coupled with the fact that many of us just returned from fabulous breaks, our mindset may be stuck in vacation mode, making it hard to transition back to studying and all of the stress it inevitably brings. To counter these problems, consider trying any of the ideas above. Relaxation and schoolwork do not have to be mutually exclusive if you manage to strike a balance. We only have eight weeks left, so let’s go Irish!
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