If you’re in college, chances are you are are broke. There is nothing worse then checking your bank account online and having a mid-life crisis, realizing you have no money. Life can get expensive. After spending 18 years at home with a free meal every night, it’s hard to adjust to spending your own money on anything you want to buy. From one broke college student to another, I’m going to break down the best ways to save some money on Iowa City’s campus, so we can make the money we do have last as long as possible.
1. Coupons, Coupons, Coupons
If you want to go out to eat but spending $15 on a meal makes you sick to your stomach, then make sure you are religiously looking for coupons. There is always some kind of deal for local Iowa City restaurants. Make sure to check popular websites or apps, such as OrderUp, Valpak or RetailMeNot. These app let you filter through offers available at Iowa City restaurants and businesses.
2. Skip the cab, take Nite Ride.
If you live far away from campus, skip the cab fee and call Nite Ride. Nite Ride is for women only and is operated seven days a week by University of Iowa security officers. They can pick you up anytime after 10 p.m. until 6 a.m. So, if you’re out late downtown and don’t want to make the long walk back, just make sure you’re at a University owned building and call Nite Ride for a free ride home.
3. Get a part-time job
I know this may seem like a lot of work, but it’s the best way to make money and build your resume. The University of Iowa is always looking for part-time employees through the HireAHawk service. You can find office jobs, housing and dining positions and so much more. Plus, having a part time job throughout college looks great on a resume and will help you learn to expertly manage your time.
4. HawkDollars
At the beginning of every semester, students living in university owned housing are given 100 “HawkDollars,” which allow you to buy anything from any C-Store on campus. So, if you don’t want to spend your own hard earned cash, let the UI pick up the bill.
5. Set a money schedule
Make sure you are regularly checking your bank account, so you don’t overspend for the week. Making a schedule and giving yourself a budget will help you save money in the long run. The more aware you are of your financial situation, the more you can make smart decisions about where you want to spend your extra cash.
*all images from Google*