This week, Her Campus was interested in learning a little more about the Undergraduate Student Government Elections and the individuals involved with the campaigns! We had the opportunity to speak to a relatively new member, freshmen, Carly Hooker, about her participation in the Gerard and Danielle campaign and her experiences at Ohio State thusfar.
What made you want to be a part of the Vote Gerard and Danielle campaign?
I am in USG cabinet on the academic affairs committee, and I thought it would be a fun extension of my involvement in the organization.
Why should the student body vote for Gerard and Danielle?
Gerard and Danielle are some of the most dedicated and genuine people I’ve ever met. They are so passionate about making USG better as an organization and Ohio State better as a university. They have 77 pages of thorough, thoughtful, and practical policies designed with the health, inclusivity, success and overall well-being of each student in mind. Check out their policy here: (!
What is your favorite part being apart of USG?
I love being able to learn about all kinds of stuff going on at the university. There is so much happening here, but I definitely wouldn’t know where to look if it wasn’t for USG.
What do you love most about Ohio State?
I love that I can quite literally get involved with anything I could possibly think of. Even the most random stuff! I will never forget in my freshman survey class when a girl told me that she was joining the “Club Clubbing Club” which “promotes recreational dance with golfing equipment,” like, that’s so different, but awesome—you can’t make this up!
What do you have in mind for your future?
I am a public affairs major and my focus is in Education Policy, so ideally I would love to write policy for a legislator or work in a think tank doing research on K-12 public education in the US.
Who is your role model/somebody that truly inspires you?
A role model that truly inspires me is one of my best friends, Josia Klein. She is a student here at Ohio State, is in my sorority, and we grew up at synagogue together. She embodies everything I hope to be as far as being a truly well-rounded individual. She makes everyone around her feel as though they have worth and value. She is so driven and deeply committed to everything she is involved in. She is someone in my life that I can turn to for absolutely anything—from what to wear out on a Friday night to crying over our stressful lives to laughing hysterically about absolutely nothing. If in my life I can inspire someone else in the same way Josia has inspired me, I know I will have done something right.
What other organizations are you involved with at OSU?
Other than USG, I am the Social Chair in OSU Women’s Glee Club, I am the Campus Relations Coordinator for the American-Israel Public Affairs (AIPAC) Cadre on campus, and I am a sister in Kappa Alpha Theta!
When approaching your senior year, what is one thing you know you want to have accomplished?
I definitely want to know that I did what made me happy throughout my time on campus. This is probably the cheesiest answer I could give, but I genuinely want to know that the things that I was involved in and the people with whom I chose to spend my time empowered me to be the best version of myself.