Martina Di Costanzo: SU Women’s Officer Candidate
Her Campus Nottingham met with Martina Di Constanzo, 1st Year Psychology and Philosophy student from Naples, Italy- although she claims she can’t cook or make good coffee! Martina is running for the position of Women’s Officer, and during her time at University has been involved in volunteering for Save the Children (focusing on the UoN Read On Get On campaign, and also STAR (Student Action for Refugees) at the ‘Tuesday Night Project’ that aims to teach English to refugees.
Hey Martina! What made you want to run for the position of Women’s Officer?
I want to do something that will actually make a difference whilst I’m at uni, and to positively change something. I want to leave a positive legacy of my time at Nottingham. I’m also passionate about women’s issues. I used to want to be a writer, but my sister told me that to be a writer I needed to have my lips filled. That made me abandon the idea and the idea that a woman needs cosmetic surgery to be successful has stayed with me for a long time. However, I want to change that; I now believe I can be whatever I want to be as a woman and I want other women to think that too! I’m from the South of Italy, which isn’t as ‘free’ as the UK. It’s quite traditional, women are often housewives and there wouldn’t be someone to represent women at an Italian university.
Would you say that you identify as a feminist?
I would say that our society needs to move beyond gender-we shouldn’t even need to have feminism in 2016! Everyone should be equal- I want to go beyond gender- but that doesn’t mean that you don’t need someone to represent women, just as you need someone to represent BME and LGBT+ people as well. Women don’t need someone to ‘save’ them- who cares?! I can save myself- I’m my own saver! I think it is also really important for women to have supportive male figures in their lives as well.
What is the best part/ your favourite part of your manifesto?
It’s so bright and colourful! No I’m joking- my slogan is really important “We went from Zero to our own Heroes”. It fits in with the idea that women have had no rights in the past but now have fought for themselves and don’t have to depend on men.
What do you think the most difficult part of your manifesto would be to implement?
Gaining no tolerance for sexual harassment. I can write whatever I want on my manifesto and I will do whatever it is in my power to help women who have been in difficult situations- but obviously, and unfortunately, it’s trying to tackle a huge universal problem- I want to be realistic! I want people to know what I really want to do and not just make empty promises.
If you were to summarize your manifesto what would you say?
I want to continue to raise awareness about women’s issues- by the time they’re addressed at a university, it’s already too late. The issues need to be addressed at high school. We need to not just teach women about their rights, but educate men too! Going to schools and talking to young people and making them aware is so important. We need to invest in new generations, as if we don’t there isn’t any point!
Anything you’d like to add?
Vote for me! I think I have the skills to represent lots of women and want to make the university a more equal place. Oh and I’ll be around at the events for International Women’s week so you can come and find me if you have any questions!
Cats or dogs? Dogs
Pizza or pasta? Pizza!
Ocean- yay or nay? Nay
VKs or Jagerbombs? I don’t know, neither- but let’s say VKs…
Dream job? Working for the UN!
If you were to appear on Mastermind, what would your specialist subject be? Harry Potter- did you even need to ask?!
Films or books? Books
Thank you for your time Martina- we wish you the best of luck with your campaign!