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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

Every year between mid-February and mid-March, there are always a couple of days in between the freezing winter and the warm promise of spring that turn up as a nice teaser for the following months. The sun comes closer, the temperature springs up into the 70s and you start to wonder where you put all of your summer clothes. So here are the best things about “fake spring.”

1. Everyone comes out of hibernation

When you walk outside there are actually other people! Everyone has been wrapped up in their blankets glued to their Netflix for an entire season, only venturing outside to scrounge for food or begrudgingly go to class. Now when you walk outside there are people sitting outside, reading, smiling at the sun, walking with a pep in their step. And it’s beautiful.




2. You can hear how alive the world is

Along with everyone coming outside everyone is enamored with the world around them. Eyes are a little wider, voices carry a little farther, laughter is a little more boundless. Dogs are barking, children are running, insects are buzzing, music is playing from open windows and the quad is full of lively conversations— unironically, about the weather.




3. Newfound motivation

After months and months of dreary, grey, uncomfortable cold where the clouds outside seem to cloud out any motivation to be active or get things done (sometimes with more detrimental effects), the sun comes out and suddenly you’re ready to go on that run, write that novel, plan your life and climb that mountain (literally). There’s nothing like good weather to give you that extra bit of motivation to seize the day.




4. Things start turning green

Even though fake spring is just a teaser, you can start to see little spots of green springing up around on the lawn, portions of gardening plots starting to be turned up, the gardening sections of home improvement and grocery stores pop back up and windowsills start to become a little bit more colorful.





5. Driving with the windows down

There’s nothing better than riding with the windows down, music up, nowhere to be, everywhere to go.



Go out and enjoy the world and the weather, while it lasts.