1) Shaving
Use coconut oil instead of shaving cream for a closer shave that won’t irritate sensitive skin.
2) Baking
Substitute coconut oil for butter or vegetable oil next time you’re in the kitchen. It’ll still taste great, but you’ll be adding a much healthier fat to your diet.
3) Conditioning
Coconut oil makes an amazing hair mask. It promotes growth, prevents split ends, treats dandruff, and will leave your locks feeling silky smooth.
4) Moisturizing
Not only will coconut oil have your skin feeling softer than ever, it can reduce cellulite and prevent ingrown hairs. Bonus tip: try it as a lip balm to combat chapped lips.
5) Brightening
Put a spoonful of oil into your mouth and swish it around for a few minutes each morning. It’s called oil pulling. The coconut oil draws out toxins in your body and whitens your smile.
6) Itching
Putting a dab of coconut oil on a rash, sunburn, or bug bite will jump start the heeling process and relieve you of the pain and itchiness.
7) Healing
Stir a tablespoon into your tea or coffee to help kick a cold or sore throat to the curb. Not surprisingly, it’s delicious!
8) Repelling
Mix some coconut oil with tee tree oil and apply for an all-natural insect repellent that isn’t chalk full of dangerous chemicals.
9) Anti-aging
Swap out your pore clogging, chemical filled moisturizers and face cream for some coconut oil. It’ll keep your skin hydrated while allowing it to breath, and can reduce blemishes over time.
10) Straight up eating
It sounds weird to swallow a spoonful of oil, but the benefits are amazing! Ingesting a spoonful of coconut oil a day can: make you more alert, reduce allergy symptoms, regulate hormones, improve sleeping patterns, boost metabolism, AND increase your sex drive. ;)