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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.
Join us as we take a journey through the life of Akil Davis! I have known him since middle school, and it’s time that HC readers know him as well.
Her Campus: Hi Akil, thanks for letting me meet with you!
Akil Davis: Well, you did sort of force yourself into my room to do this interview, so…
HC: Yup, sure did! Let’s start off easy: what activities are you involved in on campus?
AD: I’m involved in DePauwcapella, University Orchestra, DePops Orchestra, DePauw Sustainability, DePauw Campus CAT Allies, occasionally Rock Climbing Club, and I’m also an RA.
HC: WOW, that’s a lot! What’s your favorite organization you’re a part of?
AD: DePauwcapella!
HC: Why’s that?
AD: I don’t get to sing often, so I love doing it. I like the music we sing and the people in the group. We have a lot of fun!
HC: So you’re also in orchestra…how long have you played the violin, and what made you NOT quit like everyone else in high school?
AD: Oh my gosh, I just realized I’ve been playing violin for a decade! I didn’t quit because I just fell in love with the instrument. It’s a lot of fun to play.
HC: Sweet. So tells us about your majors and minors (he has four!).
AD: OMG I am a Spanish and Psychology double major, and a music and studio art double minor.
HC: That is a lot of dedication! Good for you…are you Greek affiliated?
AD: Yes, Delta Upsilon. I’m glad I finally made up my mind after three years of rush!
HC: That’s awesome. So, we all must know…are you single?
AD: Yes… It’s fine…
HC: Tell HC readers a great memory we share from middle school!
AD: When you and I conquered and asserted our dominance over an opposing tennis team. While, yes, I was playing a match against all girls, I still did not back down or falter! We looked them in the eye and crushed them.
HC: That we did. I will forever cherish that memory, and here’s to many more. Thank you, Akil!
And there you have it, Her Campus readers. Be sure to stop and say hey to Akil when you see him on campus!
I'm An International Politics and Spanish major and Poli Sci minor from DePauw!  You can usually find me working on homework, hanging out with my roommates or taking a nap.  I'm obssessed with anything Beyonce and Scandal.  I love my school and I love writing for HerCampus!
Campus Correspondent for HC DePauw! Psychology and Spanish major, art history minor '17. CollegeFashionista Style Guru & Editorial Intern. DePauw Cheerleading Social Media Manager.