1. You Come to the Realization that You and Your Friends Don’t Really Know How to Clean.
After living a year in college or in dorms, you learn after moving out that the cleaner you never really saw made a huge difference to your room and kitchen. Now that it’s just you guys, the floor is always dusty and the surfaces always sticky.
2. You Develop a Love/Hate Relationship with the Library.
Now that your grades actually count, and you have more summatives than you thought possible, the quiet of the library, and endless supply of books is a godsend. The fact that they won’t let you bring coffee in or eat? Not so much.
3. You Get Sick Almost Every Time You Go Out.
Every Saturday morning is a struggle when your nose is blocked and your throat feels like on fire. You don’t know how you ever managed seven nights out in a row during Freshers Week.
4. You Learn That You’re Actually Terrible at Anything to do with Food that Cannot be Microwaved or put in the Oven.
Now that you’re not catered because you live off campus, you realize that you’re actually not as good at cooking as you thought. If it doesn’t go in the microwave or the oven, it ends up not coming near your shopping cart.
5. The Housemates that you Awkwardly Chose After Only a Couple of Months at School Have Either Become Your Best Friends or You Have Decided You Never Want to Live with Them Again.
Some people hit the jackpot with who they chose to live with after their first year. Some people have realized that the people they live with are straight up crazy. Either way, making students choose who to live with after only a month or two at school should be illegal.
6. Your Definition of a Dope Night is often Having Finished Your Work Early Enough to Watch TV in Your Pyjamas for Hours.
Let’s be honest, Netflix and chill is so much more chill if you’re alone with a bar of chocolate or a pint of ice cream.
7. Now that You’re Past your First Year, You Have to Find a Summer Internship and it just Adds to Your Cray Amount of Stress.
Now that you’re older and technically an ‘adult’, it’s time to get experience that proves it. Unfortunately, it takes a toll as you’re already dealing with the fact that suddenly all your grades count towards your degree.