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The Do’s and Don’ts of Spring Break Dieting: Make Healthy Choices

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

It’s the middle of February…doesn’t time go by quickly? As Spring Break approaches, everyone knows that means PV for sophomores and Cabo San Lucas for seniors…and if you’re not going to one of those two places, well then, you’ve successfully avoided the rest of Michigan. Unfortunately this induces a lot of stress in terms of getting that perfect “swimsuit body.” To be clear, before reading the rest of this article, everyone should feel comfortable being their own beautiful selves, but for those people who still insist on dieting, there are a few things to keep in mind before doing so. 


DO: Eat whole grain carbs

Here’s a secret: eating whole grain carbs actually helps you lose body fat and lower the risk of heart disease. Does that sound like a win-win, or what? Before your vacation, try eating things like whole grain bread, oatmeal, whole grain pasta, quinoa and other sources of carb energy.

DON’T: CUT OUT CARBOHYDRATES: Cutting out carbohydrates is actually extremely dangerous. It is a myth that many people think will help them lose weight, however it does so in the most unhealthy way possible. Is that really the goal? So why do we need carbohydrates? Because they provide energy to your body and without them, you lose energy. According to an article on livestrong.com, the effects of eliminating carboydrates from the body also include constipation and long-term kidney damage. Also, for those students who are of legal age, it is extremely dangerous to consume alcohol without having eaten carbs beforehand; don’t be the person who doesn’t make it past the pregame.


DO: Work out

It’s not just all about what you eat… well, most of it is, but in order to see healthy changes to your body, it is important to exercise. WHO, the World Health Organization, recommends about 150 minutes of exercise throughout the week for all adults between the ages of 18 and 64. Also, when exercising, make sure to work out different muscles each day so you allow the others to rest. If it’s hard to get out of bed to do it, try working out when the gym is busy, because having other people around you is the best kind of motivation.

DON’T: Overdo it

Exercise is healthy, but exercising too much might cause a lot of physical problems, all of which are bad for Spring Break. They consist of the following: insomnia, bone fractures, depression, arthritis, and body image issues. Also, shin splints are extremely uncomfortable!


DO: Eat natural sugars in fruits

Try snacking on fruit instead of other types of sugars. Fruit is a great option because it’s lower in calories, but still satisfies a sweet tooth. Fruit is also high in fiber, which is necessary for digestion. Instead of packing in cupcakes before vacation, try snacking on an apple or a banana (also, fruit, either frozen or fresh, blended with almond milk and ice makes for an amazing smoothie).

DON’T: Eat processed sugars

Processed sugars (the kind in candy, soda and cookies) can lead to problems like obesity, diabetes, and weight gain. If you stop eating processed sugars, or at least limit them, your cravings will be reduced.


Best of luck dieting Her Campus readers; see you in Cabo!


Images Courtesy of: mashable.com, newhealthadvisor.com, fanpop.com, and aboutislam.net