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HCX Campus Celebrity: Pete Gillibrand

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

This week, HCX has interviewed second year BNOC, Pete Gillibrand. With a plethora of interesting facts for you to read about, I challenge you to not be impressed…

Year: 2nd

Course: Politics, Philosophy and Economics

So, let’s start off simple. Your Favourite night out in Exeter?

Fave night out has to be a Wednesday night Timepiece. Straight from rugby social after a few ‘snakies’. Thank god I got my lifetime ban lifted! You should see me there more gracing TopTop…

Big question: Exeter or Cardiff?

Exeter for great chat but Cardiff for a night out all the time! Game day is amazing, especially when Wales beats England!

So, what are you most proud of in your university experience?

I’m most proud of almost getting arrested outside of TP after a classic rugby social for undisclosed reasons… Then ending up banned from the city centre for a day and having to go to Alcoholics Anonymous.

Hmm… Definitely a deed to be proud of!? Tell us an interesting fact about yourself?

I have won a public speaking competition over Wales. This must mean I have great chat… Right?

Right… Could you tell us about your role in RAG?

I am an event manager for Rock Solid and I also do marketing! I’m too keen.

What would you say to someone joining uni?

Take everything on the chin (especially the pints) and get weird. Weird is fun.

Brilliant advice! What inspires you to do charity work?

My brother is severely autistic so I got into half marathons. This lead to a marathon in October and just an addiction to trying to make at least one person happy through raising money! Autism awareness is one of my main goals.


Thanks for chatting to us, Pete, what you’re doing is really inspiring and we wish you all the best with Rock Solid and any other impending marathons. Probably see you soon on Top Top!

I'm Lucy Tillott, a 19 year old Liberal Arts student at the University of Exeter, but am originally from Birmingham. I am studying English and Politics and love getting into debates, which is probably why I am the Current Affairs editor of the Exeter chapter of HerCampus. I was a writer for the current affairs section of HerCampus last year, and loved the opportunity to write every week, make friends, and involve myself in the comradery of HerCampus. I hope to be heavily involved with the thriving community of Exeter HerCampus while sparking an interest in current affairs in our readers.