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Valentine’s Day: More Than Overpriced Candy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

“How can you like Valentine’s Day when you’re so single?”


“Valentine’s Day is simply a holiday made up by companies to promote consumerism.”


“Why should I show love on this day when I can show people I love them on any other day.”


Believe me, I have heard it all. As a single woman who openly expresses her love for this amazing holiday, I am often reminded that not everyone shares my enthusiasm. I have met far too many people who try to inform me about how this holiday is stupid, overrated, and materialistic; especially from the unattached.  But the truth is…I LOVE VALENTINES DAY! I love the stupid red-heart boxes filled with delicious chocolates. I love the overrated, fancy, date-nights to romantic restaurants. I love the materialistic gifts, the ones that someone put weeks of thought into to show how much they care. I love everything about it. Let me explain why I think everyone should be leaping up and down with me at the arrival of this holiday:



  1. V- Day is not solely for couples.

Never once has anything declared that this holiday for couples. V-Day’s main focus is love. It was created as a day to let the people in your life know how much you love them. This means Grandma, your best friend, siblings, and bros can all be reminded that you care about them immensely. The reason it may seem like a couple-focused holiday is solely because it is easiest to remember showing love to a significant other. Far too frequently, the people who truly matter and have been there all along, are sometimes forgotten. Therefore, next time you see a red heart, don’t think about which significant someone you could give it to, but rather think about anyone you keep close in your heart.



  1. V- Day is a reminder of what is important.

How many days of our lives do we wake up and do the same thing over and over again? Too many, I believe. But when Valentine’s Day comes around, you have a moment to stop and think about the individuals you love in your life. A whole day is dedicated for showing and proving to someone that they are important. The pessimists are quick to tell me, however, that people should show their loved ones that they love them yearround rather than just one day.  You should be thankful year round, but we have Thanksgiving to remind us of that. You should feel blessed year round, but we have Christmas to show us just how blessed we are. You should feel Irish year round, but we have Saint Patrick’s Day to help us get lucky. Ok, maybe that last one was a tad bit of a joke, but it is true that while you should show affection habitually, it is our human nature to be forgetful. This day nationally jogs our memories to show the love we forget to show all too often.



  1. V- Day is a day of hope.

We are not all gushing, romantic, love machines. However, there is something deep inside everyone that longs to be loved by another soul: some human trait that lies within us all, that makes us dream of that perfect, stomach-flipping connection to one another. Valentine’s Day is a date to think about how wonderful love truly is. I know that there are some that just read that and thought, “cool, crazy Valentine’s Day fanatic… but I’m single AF and feeling alone.”  News Flash: Roughly 50.2 % of Americans are single or roughly 124.6 million people, which means the chances of you being alone forever are incredibly slim. There is someone you can feel everything with, they are just not in your life on this exact February day. Nothing is more hopeful than seeing all the happy couples, the love they share, and thinking, “wow, a love like that is on the way for me.”  While couples on this holiday may seem like they have the upper hand, the singles, still have that adventure waiting for them in the future.  The singles can look upon this day with anticipation and hope for the amazing, mind-bending love that is still to come in their lives. Even to those currently not in love, Valentine’s Day can be a symbol of the love that is meant to come.



No matter your relationship status, Valentine’s Day is much more than just overpriced candy. It is a wonderful day of spreading love and happiness. Whether you chose to embrace it, or hate it, just remember that your perspective is up to you and what you want it to be. Happy Valentine’s Day,  lovers!

Allison is a girl. She likes to think she's "not like other girls" but that probably untrue.
Her Campus at UW-Stout