It seems that after turning 18, every decision you make becomes three times more intense. Partly because adulthood is a really serious thing and partly because you probably don’t consider yourself adult enough to be adult-ing so hard. Along with those decisions, small and large, there is your happiness to worry about. Sometimes in the midst of doing what is best and what is sensible, we lose track of our own feelings. Without realizing it, the things that we know and love become less of a priority because things like majors, jobs, and various committments take over. In my short time spent being in my 20’s, I’ve learned that one of the most important things to keep in mind is that we should never allow our passions to be pushed to the side. While we’re teeter-tottering our way through life something other than obligations should balance us out.
The Top 3 Keys to Unlocking Your Passion:
1. Know:
Definie it! It doesn’t matter what your passion is, after all, it’s yours. There is no template that it must fit in or any time limit for it either. Ordinarily, it’s something that you do. It could be specific or general–don’t let anyone put your passion in a box–but in all honesty, it’s you that’s going to determine that.
2. Differentiate:
Try not to confuse your hobbies with what you’re passionate about. Hobbies are ways that you spend your spare time, you don’t necessarily have to work to do them. Whereas the road to your passion–whether it be something like teaching or simply serving your community–will seem tedious, sometimes time-consuming, but just as rewarding.
This deserves your attention, a lot of it. Chase it, invest in it, never give up on it. Your life needs the spice that only something you care a great deal about can provide. When it doesn’t seem worth it, it’s becoming even more significant. It will feel nothing like work and everything like your purpose.
Until you get to it, or until you become it, don’t stop striving for your passion! Your age, your responsibilities, nor your current position in life should distract you from that zeal. It’s an essential part of living your life to it’s fullest potential. This can do nothing but benefit you in the long run!