“The only thing that is constant in life is change” – Heraclytus
Well as the quote says, time has changed. We know that because what was common few years ago, now it’s considered atypical and in some cases, obsolete. Another aspect that has changed are the type of relationships that we make with the ones we feel attracted to. There are many kinds of relationships, according to the article “14 different kinds of relationship you`ll experience eventually” (2013) : codependent, dominating, open, toxic, temporary, independent, rebound, working hard, basically friends ( with benefits), purely sexual, prize possession, good on paper, emotional affair and long distance. This last type has become so common that many investigators have done research trying to understand the prevalence. The article “ Las parejas a distancia crean vínculos más estrechos” ( 2013), says that there are statistics that support the fact that in the US, there are over three million couples living apart and in the university population, 25-50% have such a relationship and up to 75% have had one of these once. So, now let’s explore on how to keep a long distance relationship working as well as a non-one.
# 1 : Try to text, call or video chat with your partner many times during the day, if that’s not possible, just do it once a day.
The purpose is to stay connected with what your partner is going through. A text could be a great way to understand how the other is feeling that day. We can text happiness with a smiley face or sadness with a tearful face, even though you think that’s not so important, a sad face could lead you to ask questions and support your lover, both are ways of staying connected.
#2 Don’t feel bad if there are time limitations.
Sometimes, life gets so full of work, study or family issues that we tend to limit time with our partner. As a couple, we have to understand that we have jobs, classes to study for and time limitations. Just because we’re focused on our work, doesn’t mean that we are mad or losing love toward each other. Each person needs time for their individual growth and that should not limit the relationship. Keep in mind that the relationship will grow as your personal skills do so.
#3 Continuity by watching a movie, reading a book or talking about politics.
The article “21 best things on making a long distance relationship work” (2014) says: “When you read, watch and listen to the same things, you get to have more topics in common to talk about. This is good to create some shared experiences even though you are living apart.” ( Nigel, 2014)
#3 Hold on something that makes you remember your lover.
Typically, couples share a ring. Well, if you aren’t in that phase or basically, you aren’t thinking about that, there are extra options for you. Besides a ring, you can gift a toy, a photo collage or a magic chest filled with rose petals. The point is to remember him/her by just watching that special thing that you buy or gift each other on that day. Sometimes remembering where, when and how the relationship starts is like falling in love all over again.
#4 Talk about sex with each other.
“Sexual attraction is undoubtedly one of the most important things between couples. Not only is sex a biological need, it is an emotional one as well. Keep the flames burning by sending each other photos and videos of how you look like.” (Nigel, 2014)
#5 Have a goal in mind.
“What do we want to achieve at the end of the day?” “How long are we going to be apart?” “What about the future?” These are the questions you two need to ask yourselves. The truth is, no couple can be in a long distance relationship forever. Eventually we all need to settle down”. (Nigel, 2014)
“So make a plan with each other. Do write a timeline, marking down the estimated times apart and times together, and draw an end goal. It is important that you two are on the same page and have the same goals. So that even if you are not living in the same space and the same time zone, both of you are still working together in the same direction towards a future that includes one another.” (Nigel, 2014)
*Photo Courtesy by Pinterest
1. Portalatín, B. (2013). Las parejas a distancia crean vínculos más estrechos. Febrero 7, 2016 , de El Mundo Sitio web: http://www.elmundo.es/elmundosalud/2013/07/19/noticias/1374221050.html
2. Austin, J. (2013). 14 different types of relationship you`ll experience eventually. February 7, 2016 , from Madamenoire website: http://madamenoire.com/267877/14-different-types-of-relationships-youll-experience-eventually/15/
3. Nigel, K. (2014). 21 best tips on making a long distance relationship work. February 7, 2016, from Lifehack website: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/communication/21-best-tips-making-long-distance-relationship-work.html