With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, everything you see is all about love and loving other people. It seems so easy to love others, but most people forget to love themselves as well. In order to love someone else entirely and to the best of your ability, it is so important that you know how to love yourself first.
The most important step in beginning to love yourself is to conquer your self-doubt. If you find that you are constantly undermining your self-worth over every little thing that goes wrong, or if you doubt yourself every time you make a decision, no matter the magnitude of said decision, it makes it difficult to love yourself entirely. Remind yourself that you are the perfect you that anyone could be, and you are entirely unique. If there is something out there that you want to do, ESPECIALLY if it is going to make you happy, GO FOR IT! Happiness is key when you are beginning to overcome constant self-doubt.
Here are some helpful tips and key things that will help boost your happiness! Happiness is key to feeling confident in yourself, and confidence is key in learning to love yourself!
1) Find your niche.
If you are stuck in a rut, or in a group that makes you uncomfortable and unhappy, get out and go do you! Whether that’s joining a new club, getting a new job, or starting a new hobby, go for it! If what you want to do isn’t around you, start it up! Guaranteed you aren’t the only one out there that wants to pursue it as well! It will be a weight off your shoulders.
2) Get rid of your “Should Do” list and make it your “Will do” list.
Have you ever wanted to do something that sounds crazy and completely different of something that you normally do? Go ahead, do it. It is never too early to start working on that Bucket List.
3) Make life fun.
Take the time out of each day or take a day each week, and do something you enjoy. Life wasn’t meant for you to stay indoors all day behind a desk, or to fill out paperwork 24/7. Take pride in your hobby and dedicate some time to it!
4) Stop letting others around you quilt you or pressure you into doing something that makes you miserable.
There’s a difference between doing something different to see if you like it, and doing something that makes you outright miserable. They are not you. You are the only one that knows deep down what you truly want out of life and how you want to do it.
5) Be kind to yourself.
Don’t beat yourself up over a bad test grade, or a fumble at work. Even those who seem like they never mess up do make mistakes as well. It is okay to make mistakes! Next time you fumble, instead of getting overwhelmed and enraged, take a breather, and ask yourself how you can learn and better yourself from that mistake.
6) Forgive yourself.
It will be extremely difficult to move forward without forgiving yourself. If there is something that happened in the past, make a move to start to forgive yourself over it. It could be something minute, or if it’s large enough, seek out someone to talk to. It may be difficult, but working through a tough issue will relieve so much stress.
7) Smile!
It has been statistically proven that smiling a little more each day helps improve your mood almost instantly! And in a great mood, who knows what inspiration might strike you!