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7 Easy Ways to Care for Yourself

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

Do you love yourself? It seems like a simple enough question. Of course you love yourself, but do you really? Loving yourself is probably one of the hardest things to do. There are lots of easy little things to change that will make you happier, healthier and so you know how much you care.

1. Improve your eating habits
All that pizza, poutine and Chinese food probably isn’t the best thing to be eating constantly. Eat some vegetables every once in a while.

2. Drink water
Low-grade dehydration is a widespread issue due to poor diet. Don’t be one of them! Drink some water.

3. Bathe frequently
It can be hard to remember to shower during exams, but for the love of your skin and everyone else around you, please do.

4. Exercise
It can be as simple as going for a walk every day, or maybe even going to the gym. The point is you shouldn’t stay in bed watching Netflix every day.

5. Get some sleep
When you are sleep deprived your risk of suffering from mental health issues goes up. So don’t stay up every night until 4 am and then get up for that 8:30 class.6. Take breaks
When you study, going at it for 8 hours straight isn’t the best thing. Your mind starts to wonder and your eyes start to hurt. Try taking 10 minute breaks at the end of every hour. You will study better and you won’t go crazy.

7. Treat yourself
Despite what I just said, let loose once in a while. Have a spa day just for you. Sleep in on the weekends. Do what makes you happy; you deserve it.


Harvard Health Publication, HealthLinkBC, Experience L!Fe

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Hello and Welcome to my profile! I am a second year Psychology student at uOttawa as well as a first year writer for the HCuOttawa chapter.