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The Inevitable Stages of Rock The U

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

The University of Utah hosted the 10th annual Rock the U last night, a 10-hour dance marathon that raises money for the Children’s Miracle Network and Huntsman Cancer Foundation. The dance marathon is filled with fun themed hours, motivational speakers, and awesome music!

The decade anniversary did not disappoint with visits from Utah Jazz Dancers and a special performance by comedian Justin William. The event had over 350 participants and raised more than $10,000. Even with a good cause to dance for, 10 hours is a long time to keep the energy up. Here are some of the stages you go through when attempting a dance marathon, collegiettes:

When you are getting ready and deciding what shoes are most comfortable and how high you can put your ponytail, you aren’t anticipating what is to come. The excitement to dance out the stress of school and the mystery that is boys with all your BFFs is too much and you can’t wait for hour one to start!

One hour down I can do this! I mean who doesn’t love some J-Beibs and lemonade right?

Hour two still doing all right, but I wish I had worn my sneakers instead of these boots. How was I supposed to deal with a snow storm and needing athletic shoes for a 10 hour dance marathon!?! Seriously, Nike, get a new shoe design that works in Utah winters.

Hour three this would be much better if I had a drink…pizza, at least.

Hour four; you are so excited to sit for an hour and just listen to the magician who is surprisingly funny or maybe you are just really tired and he’s not that funny. But a break is a break.

At hour five you are starting to think that maybe this was a bad idea that maybe no one really needs to dance for 10 hours. Unless you happen to be in the U’s ballet department, because props to them.

Clearly the people organizing this event knew you would be feeling like this so at hour six they bring in back massages and a henna table, to distract you from dancing for another four hours. Luckily for you, hour seven and eight go by waiting in line for a brown tattoo that will fade in 5-7 days.

Hour nine brings a new energy and you are layin it out on the dance floor. Your exhaustion has given you the confidence to become a break-dancer and you show all the actual break-dancers what’s up with your Sprinkler dance move. You know the looks are of admiration.

Finally, the end has come and you dance your way out to your car where it takes all your strength to go home and get yourself into your bed. Shoes will never be worn again and you will tell yourself this is the last dance marathon for you. 

By the time next year rolls around you’ve forgotten about all the highs and the lows and you are ready to dance it out all over again! 

I am a current journalism student at the University of Utah. I have spent my years in college studying, traveling, and writing. I am a campus writer for the University of Utah and have my own blog Beautiful Detour. If I am not on campus I am hopefully off in another country meeting new people...or lying in my bed under a million blankets watching that day's netflix binge.
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor