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Andrew Lu ’16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.

Name: Andrew Lu

Hometown: Lexington, MA

Graduation Year: 2016

Major/Minor/LSM: Corporate Finance and Accounting

Campus Involvements: Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity, and retired/washed up social chair of the rugby team.

Interests: Rugby, reading books on self-development, and socializing with everyone and anyone.

Inside Scoop:

HCB: Do you have any secret talents?

As far as secret talents go, I’m double jointed in my thumbs.

HCB: What’s in the Andrew Lu starter pack?

The starter pack consists of scoop neck tees, a goatee, comfortable jeans, and shamelessness.

HCB: Male celebrity crush?

Jonah Hill, he’s got those voluptuous curves.

HCB: Favorite Bentley bathroom:

Forest 390, but I’m pretty sure you can’t use that bathroom unless you live there.

HCB: If there was a sandwich named The Lu, what would be in it?

Steak, cheddar cheese, grilled onions, lettuce, green peppers, light mayo – but I can’t reveal the secret ingredient.

HCB: Donald Trump:  visionary or all hair?

He’s a dreamer for sure. He speaks his mind in front of everyone, I honestly think it’s better than trying to filter out what you have to say and come off non-genuine.


Relationship Goals:

HCB: Describe your perfect date.

Anything that’s hands-on, like going rock-climbing together, sailing, or even just swimming in the ocean. Dinner and a movie is just too generic.

HCB: Where’s a good spot on campus to pick up girls?

I like to wait until class gets out, and chat with females in buildings like Smith and Jennison.

HCB: Are you for or against eating garlic on a first date?

I’m for it. The girl should appreciate you for what you like to do. Or in this case, eat.

HCB: What do you look for in a girl/woman?

Someone who appreciates the direction I’m going in on life. Both long-term and short-term objectives. Playfulness and a little bit of sass are two pluses.

Hi, my name is Molly! I'm currently the Co-President and a Campus Correspondent for Bentley University's HC chapter.