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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brandeis chapter.

It’s the second week of spring semester, and if you’re like me and my friends, you’re likely still waiting for many—if not all—of your books. And that likely means you have a lot of free time on your hands until the mailroom gets everything sorted and catches up with the influx of packages from Winter Break.

First, you want to pull your hair out because you know your packages have been delivered.

And then you rejoice for some extra free time. It’s like an extended vacation… at school

And then you get lost without any work to do, and you get bored.

And then you start to freak out because you know you should be doing work and see your other friends working away in the same classes you’re in.

And keep returning to the mailroom to check on your packages, to always be disappointed.

And then, sometimes you get lucky and they actually give you packages. YAY!

Except they’re not the ones you NEED.

So, what CAN you do in your unexpected free time?

  1. Get back on a normal, school-appropriate sleeping schedule
  2. Or nap the day away… your choice, really
  3. Spend hours on Netflix and/or Youtube (and Hulu)
  4. Read
  5. Decorate your room (like my roommate and I did)
  6. Or something else you come up with

What are you doing while you wait for your textbooks?


Self-published author, avid reader, book reviewer, musical theatre enthusiast, Sherlockian, Special Agent (NCIS fandom), amateur singer, and animal lover (especially dogs).