Social Media: It’s a necessary evil. I’ll admit, I scroll through Instagram probably 20 times a day. Social Media has taken over our lives, whether you like it or not. And let’s all be honest with ourselves, there are A LOT of aspects about social media that you probably DO NOT like. Here is a list of the most cringe-worthy and annoying things people continue to do on Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat.
1. People who feel the need to post their grades, GPA’s or other academic accomplishments for the whole Internet to see. Even the people who comment on your post saying good job don’t care, so just don’t do it.
2. People who post selfies on Snapchat. I’m not talking about silly pictures of themselves, I mean selfies where they’re laying in bed, lips part way open, eyes squinted selfies with one of those stupid Snapchat filters. If you’re trying to post a selfie go to Instagram, you just look dumb doing it on Snapchat.
3. People who Snapchat how late they stay up, like every single night. Again, NO ONE CARES how late you stay up or if you’re an insomniac. It’s just another picture for them to hurriedly click through so that your damn story stops showing up on their feed.
4. People who post about going to the gym. I could care less about how “swoll” you’re getting or how great your squat form is. Unless you’re some fantastic personal trainer or something funny is going on, you should never have a post, picture, or Snapchat of you “workin on your fitness.”
5. Going along with number 4, please don’t take pictures of your “body transformation” unless there is a transformation to actually see. I cannot tell you how many times people post a picture of their bodies in a before and after sequence where I literally can find no difference. We are all proud of you for losing those 2 pounds, but please, that doesn’t need to be shared on social media.
6. I guess that means people also shouldn’t post about the 2 pounds that they lost or gained over the break. Your body weight fluctuates all the time; it is not something you need to be broadcasting over all forms of social media.
7. People who post Snapchats of “working hard.” Whether it be at work, the library, or volunteering, by Snapchatting “how hard” you’re working, you’re really just taking time out of your “busy” day to brag to your followers about how much stuff you have to get done. The only platform that needs to know your long list of things to do is your planner.
8. People who share, constantly, about how much they are in love with their partner. You know who wants to know how much you love your significant other? Your significant other. And that’s it. No one else wants to know that he bought you flowers (that you probably told him to get for you) or that he got you Victoria’s Secret undies (that’s seriously just for you two to know about). A post here and there is fine, but people whose whole time line is filled with bragging about their BF/GF are vomit inducing.
9. People who feel the need to bash literally everyone and everything. They bash religions, ethnicities, politicians, and people. The worst part about this person is they insert their own opinion that no one wants to hear into your timelines and then get angry when another person shares their opinion. It’s Facebook, their posts aren’t going to change the world, just anger their friends.
10. People who Snapchat the ENTIRE concert that they’re attending. One Snapchat of a really great song is enough, thank you very much. If I wanted to see the concert I would have gone myself. (This does not apply to concerts with Beyoncé, Justin Bieber, or Shania Twain, those are fine to Snapchat the whole time).
11. People who send you invites to play Facebook games. THIS NEEDS TO STOP I DO NOT WANT TO PLAY FARMVILLE.
12. People who send you invitations to like pages or for events that you (and probably everyone else besides them) have no interest in.
13. People who post multiple pictures from the same event on Instagram. Facebook has this lovely option where you can have a whole album of photos just from one day! Instagram is meant for the picture that you look the best in, seems like you’re having the most fun in, and is the most edited. I don’t want to have to scroll past 20 pictures of the holiday party you attended.
14. People who post anything about smoking. Pictures, videos, GIF’s, anything. Cool, you can blow O’s, so can the rest of the world.
15. People who Snapchat at a party. Nothing says having fun like 50 Snapchats of you grabbing the drunk person next to you and telling the camera “I’m so f**ked up!”
I would be a liar if I said I never posted anything like what is listed above; I’m sure at some point in our lives we all have. But if you’re one of the people who does any of these things on a weekly basis, it might be time to reevaluate your life.