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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lancaster chapter.

This week’s Campus Cutie is the gorgeous and scarily sporty, Sini Borgen!

Name: Silvia Sini-Laulu Borgen (but most people know me as Sini)

Age: 20

Hometown: Arendal, Norway

College: Bowland, soon to be County

Degree: Biological Science BSc Hons

Year: 1st

Relationship status: Single

How do you feel about being this week’s Campus cutie?

I feel quite privileged!

Are you a member of any societies?

I’m a member of the boxing society, and I love it.

I’m also a member of the international society, the board games society and the Scandinavian society, although I haven’t been active in any of them… yet!


What do you usually do in your spare time?

Netflix, live music at County bar, cooking food, going out and going to the comedy show in town.

I also found out that before coming to Lancaster, Sini did a lot of rock-climbing in Norway! What do you like most about rock-climbing?

It reminds me of home, it is fun and you get to exercise almost all muscles in your body!

In three words, how would your friends describe you?

Hmm, I’m not sure but I think (hope): interesting, weird and funny.


Let’s spice things up a little bit… What do you look for in a guy?

I want a smart and active guy with good humour. Good looks are always a bonus!

What’s your favourite chat up line?

I actually don’t have any…

Any celebrity crushes?

*Googling ‘hot male celebrities’* …Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Paul Walker, Ryan Gosling, James Franco, Johnny Depp… I think that’s enough!

What do you think your best feature is?

I like to think it’s my smile.

What is your idea of the perfect date?

Doing an activity together, like going to an amusement park or some sort of competitive sport.

If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

To fly!

What are you never seen without?

My worn out Nike sneakers!

If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?

New Zealand, preferably doing some sort of extreme sport.

Favourite film:

I’ve watched too many good movies to choose… but some of the top ones would be: Run Lola Run, Blue Is the Warmest Colour, Donnie Darko, Law Abiding Citizen and Mr. Nobody.

Favourite celebrity:

I honestly do not know… but I think Jennifer Lawrence is admirable in the way that she does not care too much about other peoples’ opinions of her expectations of her as a celebrity.

Where’s the Pizza?!

Favourite artist:

My music taste is kind of diverse… however more recent favourites are: The Beautiful Girls, The Heavy, Cas Haley and The Hives.

Favourite TV programme:

Hard question… Hannibal, Prison Break, Rick and Morty and Jessica Jones.

Favourite food:

Easy! Lasagne :) 

Favourite animal:


Dream job:

Scientist or artist (painting/drawing).

Thanks for your time and interesting answers, Sini!

English Language and Linguistics student at Lancaster University, with a passion for all things magazine- be it beauty, fashion, lifestyle, career, reviews! Co-Editor for HerCampus Lancaster. Check out my instagram: conniemaitland