Yup, it is that time of the year my fellow Californians— it’s the rainy season. And it is not just any rainy season but the year of El Nino. The storms that have been affected by El Nino so far have evoked different reactions for us Californians, there is both an auro of excitement (we have been in a drought for a while now), and of course, dread (but then again there rain is not allowed in the Golden State).
Nevertheless, being prepared for this kind of weather is a must. So here are our top five helpful tips that UCSB students wish to share:
1. “Layer up.” Go get those cute rain outfits that you’ve been saving up to wear all year. Oh wait, you live in California you don’t have a rain outfit.
2. “PSA: Don’t skateboard through the rain (you’re going to rust your sh**). “
3. “Don’t straighten/curl your hair. In fact just tie that sh** up in a bun.”
4. “Costco-size that EmergenC powder.” No ones getting sick on our watch.
5. “Embrace it.” As Ms. Duff once suggested, “Let the rain fall down And wake my dreams.”