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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

When you moved away from your hometown you probably left a friend behind, maybe someone left you behind or maybe you went in completely opposite directions. If any of these are the case for you then you might have a long distance BFF and you know the signs.

1. Last time you saw them it was crying in the parking lot.

Whether it was at work, school, the mall or the airport, it happened. You didn’t want to say goodbye yet, but it was time to return so you cried for 10 minutes in that parking lot saying you’ll see them at Christmas.

2. It’s the most exciting feeling when they take a trip to come see you.

Going home can be boring because you have to see your family and other friends, but when your BFF comes for a visit, it’s all about showing them the city and you-time. No distractions!

3. You count down the days until you see them next.

When you book that ticket home it becomes a waiting game. You tell them the second you are booked and you’re already planning the sleepover or date night.

4. Until you see them it’s only social media contact.

You are basically each other’s stalkers just to stay updated on one another’s lives. Constantly checking their Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and texting them 10 times a day.

5. They are the first person you text as soon as something important happens.

No matter how far apart, they are the first to know when you met a cute boy or aced that test.

6. When something bad happens they remind you who really loves you.

If you and your new friends got in a fight or if things didn’t work out with that boy, they will still be there for you, cheering you on.

7. As soon as you see each other it’s as if no time has passed.

You are too busy talking about boys/girls to be upset over how many girls’ nights you could have had that semester.

And the cycle continues on forever until someone decides to move. 


Picture Credits

Cover Picture, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Hello and Welcome to my profile! I am a second year Psychology student at uOttawa as well as a first year writer for the HCuOttawa chapter.