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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gettysburg chapter.

If you have an Internet connection, you have probably noticed the hype surrounding a musical called Hamilton.  What’s the buzz about it?  I’M GLAD YOU ASKED because my friends want me to shut up about it (They don’t; they’ve been very sweet).

Hamilton is a musical depiction of the life and times of Alexander Hamilton, the first Treasury Secretary of the United States of America.  The unstoppable Lin-Manuel Miranda wrote the music, lyrics, and book, and if that wasn’t cool enough in itself, he’s also playing the titular role! Look at this smiley man.

This show isn’t meant to provide a perfect mirror image of the founding fathers.  Rather, it is intended as a reflection on the current state of our nation, where marginalized groups mobilize for recognition and basic human rights.  

“But my brain is still recovering from finals week, Emily,” you say.  “I don’t want another history lesson!”  I promise, this show is anything but pedantic. I mean, sheesh, we have a dancing Aaron Burr.

There’s something for everyone in Hamilton, be you new to rap music or a long-time listener.  The aspects of traditional musical theatre remain prominent.  What’s different is the innovative context in which it is employed.

And…look, there’s no way around saying this.  Everyone in this show is cute.  There, I said it.

It looks like tickets might be sold out for a while, but a national tour will be starting relatively soon in Chicago!  Hopefully, many people get to see this show that is making waves in every aspect of the theatrical world.  If you can see Hamilton, do NOT throw away your shot!

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Emily Pierce


Emily is a sophomore at Gettysburg College. In her boundless spare time, she does theatre, creative writing, and stand-up comedy. Her only recurring dreams involve cooking for celebrities; Steve Buscemi was not a fan of her spaghetti, but he was very polite about it so that's nice.
Juliette Sebock, Founder: Jules founded the Gettysburg College chapter of Her Campus in Fall 2015 and served as Campus Correspondent until graduating in Spring 2018. Juliette graduated from Gettysburg College in 2018 with an English major and History/Civil War Era Studies/Public History triple minors. In addition to HC, she was a member of the Spring 2017 class of Advanced Studies in England and of various organizations including Eta Sigma Phi, Dance Ensemble, and Poetry Circle. She has published a poetry chapbook titled Mistakes Were Made, available on Amazon and Goodreads, and she has poems forthcoming in several literary magazines. She is also the editor-in-chief of Nightingale & Sparrow Magazine and runs the lifestyle blog, For the Sake of Good Taste. For more information, visit https://juliettesebock.com.