It’s that time of year again. Finals begin this week, stress levels are increasing, and study spots in the library are decreasing as everyone spends the next few weekends flocking to get the best place to study. Amongst all of the anxiety that finals week brings, one way that I like to stay supercharged during studying and final assignments and relaxed in between, is listening to music. So as we embark on the next week and a half of boosting our GPA’s, here’s a playlist to help boost your mood during finals week.
1. Sorry- Justin Bieber
Is it too late now to say sorry for procastinating studying by watching this music video? Seriously, this is such a great song to get pumped to when you have to forego the twentieth cup of coffee. Also, how great would it be if a flash mob were to erupt into the library to the dance in this video?
2. Stitches- Shawn Mendes
I’ll be needing stitches after finals week- that’s for sure. Hey, at least Shawn gets it!
3. On My Mind- Ellie Goulding
This song has been a personal JAM of mine for a few weeks now. Ellie Goulding not only knows how to make great music, but I’m sure also knows that finals and studying are all that’s on my mind and that’s why I need her song to take my mind off of it all.
4. Perfect- One Direction
I can always rely on One Direction to remind me that I’m perfect during this stressful time of year. Thanks, boys!
5. Lay It All On Me- Rudimental (feat. Ed Sheeran)
Laying it all on me is exactly what professors have done with final assigments and exams. It’s okay though, because this song is catchy, fun, and distracts me from all of the end-of-the-year anxiety!
6. Confident- Demi Lovato
Thanks to Demi, this song is giving me the confident boost I need to get through the rest of the semester. Also the music video is extremely entertaining and makes for a great little study break.
7. Locked Away- R. City (feat. Adam Levine)
Just last week, we were having fun on State Street for Santa Con and now we’re locked away in the library, study lounges, and our dorm/apartment room desks. Just a little over a week until we’re free again- until then, this song can get us all through.
8. Drag Me Down- One Direction
Finals may be dragging us down. However, One Direction won’t let anything drag them down, so why should we? Plus, this video is cool.