The most dreaded week of the semester is finally here: finals week. You’ve been dragging through the past few weeks, wondering why every teacher has crammed every test, paper, and project into the last few weeks of the semester. You don’t know how you will be able to even muster the slightest bit of energy and willpower to even think about studying for finals or completing your final project. Hence,
While this stress cannot be completely erased no matter how much you prepare, here are a few tips to make your life during finals a bit more manageable.
1. Plan ahead
Think about everything you have to do for the next week and write it down! Give yourself enough time and do not procrastinate. Don’t stress about everything that needs to be done; take it one day at a time. Accomplish everything that needs to be done each day.
2. Reward yourself
Take a break every half an hour to an hour in order to prolong your focus and satisfy your social media needs.
3. Get enough sleep
So you don’t fall asleep during your final (and so your brain can work to the best of its ability)! You don’t want to look like Squidward…
4. Ask for help
Use your resources. If you have a question, see your teacher during their offices hours, shoot them an email, utilize the tutors, or ask a friend so you can prevent this:
5. Study in a classroom or the library
Memory is context dependent so study in a similar setting in which you would take a test. It will be much easier to recall information while taking your final exam. Don’t talk to friends, listen to music, or lay in bed.
6. Don’t just memorize
Good luck and remember…