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10 Jane the Virgin Gifs that Describe Your Average Weekday

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

1. Your alarm goes off. You despise it

2. You realize that you have to get out of bed to take those two exams, write that paper, and drop off that form

3. You eventually muster up the will to get on with your day

4. But life ain’t so bad. You get to campus and get to see your beloved aqcuaintencesĀ 

5. You sit through class and try to comprehend your professors lecture

6. You get a text from your friend to get fro-yo. Life is never too busy for fro-yoĀ 

7. Your friend is awesome and that fro-yo was delicious. But your next class in in 20 minutes and you’ve got to go
8. Your professor decides to assign another paper

8. But no one can get you down, not even a paper. You are a strong, independent, successful women and you OWN this

9. You finish everything on your to-do list. You are a boss

10. Now it’s time to have some fun