Collegiettes return to Elon’s campus as Thanksgiving break comes to an end after enjoying old friends, family and a delicious holiday meal. Arriving back on campus only means finals are approaching, and the next two weeks will be filled with constant studying to finish out the fall semester. Here are five useful tips to help everyone survive finals.
1. Never Wait Until the Last Minute– Waiting until the last minute is never the answer. Stay on top of your notes and classes to avoid the dreadful late night cram sessions in the library. Start studying as soon as possible, so you can ask your professors any last minute questions or concerns. Procrastinating will only make finals even more stressful.
2. Prioritize Your Exam Schedule– Take a closer look at the exam schedule posted online and review the order of your finals. Write down each exam time in your planner to stay up to date on the lineup of each final. Prioritize your studying based on the order and importance of your exams to ensure no last minute cramming.
3. Ask For Help– Elon’s professors encourage students to visit their office hours to review key concepts and ask any last minute questions. Elon’s tutoring center is also useful and employs multiple students eager to help their peers. Designated tutor hours are posted online and in the library for specific classes, so make sure you utilize the help of your classmates. Elon provides both of these resources to support students, so take advantage of what the school has to offer to help you succeed within your final exams.
4. Stay Healthy– Staying healthy throughout finals week is just as important as studying for your exams. It may seem beneficial to spend “all-nighters” in the library to ensure the most hours of studying, however, staying well rested is truly the way to success. Lack of sleep will only hurt your exam scores rather than help them. Along with this, make sure you stay hydrated and fueled with healthy snacks to keep energized during your studying.
5. Don’t Stress– Most importantly, stay relaxed during your exams and enjoy the last few days with your friends before leaving for winter break. Stressing over your exams will only do you more harm than help. Make sure you celebrate finishing up the semester by dining at your favorite local restaurants or going out for “Reading Day Eve.” Spend the last couple days of the semester with your closest friends and cherish the memories that come from it.