She’s probably the absolute best.
1. Always being there to give you a reason as to why you should put your work off.
2. But then again, always being the one to force you to get your work done. She definitely fulfills the “Mom Job” away from home.
3. Giving you a brutally honest opinion always, even if it’s not what you want to hear.
4. But, of course she always makes you feel better. Even in the worst case scenario.
5. Always missing you when you’ve been away, and making your return a huge deal.
6. You never have to worry about being the weird one alone.
7. Anything you wanna do, regardless of how absurd it may be, she is 100% supportive of it.
8. 1 am food cravings? You’ll intake those calories together.
9. She offers you an immediate support system.
10 . Most importantly, she’s there to share a year worth of unforgettable memories with you.