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25 Thoughts Everyone Has While Black Friday Shopping

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sewanee chapter.

Love it or hate it, there’s no denying that Black Friday has become a holiday tradition for many people. There’s also no denying that it can get a little crazy, to say the least. Here are twenty-five thoughts everyone has while Black Friday shopping:

  1. “Ugh. Why is my alarm going off?”

  1. “Oh, wait. It’s Black Friday!”

  1. “All right. Who’s ready to save some money?”

  1. “But first, coffee. Peppermint mocha, anybody?”

  1. When you realize that it’s finally acceptable to start playing Christmas music in your car…

  1. …Even though some of your friends have been listening to Christmas music since the first of November.

  1. Trying to find a parking spot is like…

  1. Wait. Is that guy pulling out? Take his spot! Take his spot!!
  1. But then, at the last possible second, someone steals your spot!

  1. “All right. Time to go in. We’ve got this. We’ve totally got this.”

  1. But then you see the massive crowds inside the store…
  1. Okay, guys. Just like we rehearsed it.

  1. “Wait. You’ve been standing in line for how long?”

  1. “What do you mean, ‘only for the first one hundred customers?!’”

  1. “NOOOOOO!”

  1. When you hear the phrase in limited supply…

  1. Wait. How did we spend all this money?
  1. But it’s all on sale, so…

  1. What if I can’t find gifts for all my friends?

  1. Never mind! I found the perfect gift!
  1. When you see someone shove another shopper out of the way…
  1. But then you see something that you just have to have!
  1. “VICTORY!!”
  1. “Wait. How are we supposed to get all of this stuff home?”

  1. Ugh. Why didn’t we just order online?

Emily Daniel loves writing, which is a good thing because as an English major, she does a lot of it. She also loves Disney movies, musicals, Spider-Man, chai lattes, and writing about herself in the third person.