Dear Miley Cyrus,
First of all, I am actually your biggest fan. I was there when you first met Lily on the first episode of Hannah Montana and I was there when you took your wig off and decided to release an album as Miley Cyrus. But, I was also there when you released “Miley Cyrus & Her Dead Petz” and in all honesty, you went a bit off the deep end. Â
I am addressing this letter to you because I know the power you have on young people and I know you can make better use of it. For example, you constantly state that music is an art and should be free and accessible to everyone, you even condemn Taylor Swift for taking her music off of Spotify and other free music sites and making it only available for purchase. That proclamation you made about music and Taylor Swift actually turned people against Taylor Swift and other musicians that only sell their music for profit. You questioned the status quo and people went with it, further showing your ability to effect change in greater audiences. However, I am constantly conflicted with the message you are sending your fans because your words and actions constantly conflict. You talk about equality and how no one should be treated differently or have to act in the “norm.” Yet, you exploit your body with every outfit and it seems very unequal to that of the opposite sex. Mainly my reasoning comes from the fact that males do not dress sexually, nor call for such attention to be listened to. You use your body as a tool and a plea for attention which contradicts your advocation for equality. Â
Along with your opinion to make all music free and accessible, you have spoken out very openly regarding your sexuality. Most recently, you have categorized yourself as pansexual and not only is that amazing because you are accepting of the person you are, but giving others the ability to proclaim themselves as similar or other sexualities is to be commended. Since you talk so freely and open about your classification, the topic has become more colloquial and accepted to wider audiences. I believe along with you, Lady Gaga, Macklemore, Elton John, and Sam Smith, similarly, have made incredible distance as LGBT+ performers, because your melodies and lyrics serve those who need strength and support throughout the process of accepting themselves. The support system you have created that is known as “The Happy Hippie Foundation” has benefitted hundreds of young homeless and young LGBT+ people in the Los Angeles area by providing them with free underwear, socks, snacks, and art supplies. Along with tangible aid, your foundation offered psychological support all questioning and unsure youth need. Â
Your charitable work is highly regarded by all of your fans and peers; however, your professional work is not original and is going though the same cycle as every young woman who grew up under the spotlight. Many studies have been done regarding the over-sexualization of women during the transition from child to young adult within childhood stars and you have shown actions that display the research. For instance, the sex provoking lyrics, jaw dropping performances, and scandalous music videos are exactly what you want and I am in complete support of you being who you want to be; however, your message is all about equality and the over-sexualization of yourself is not equal to the extent that males expose themselves. You should also keep in mind the fact of overexposing yourself leads to people taking you less seriously. When you think of a wise and well-rounded person, they are usually formal in manner and serious about their profession, but the way you carry yourself leads to dismissal of your cause since people cannot take you seriously. Along with that, you must keep in mind your audience. You are singing to teenagers and young adults similar to your age; you are singing to the die hard Hannah Montana fans that grew up with you and support everything you do. However, their parents most likely do not support or condone the way you now act and they are the ones paying for your concert tickets and donating to your charity. So you may want to add a little more fabric to your outfits and cool it a bit with your sex and weed references, because at the end of the day, we still live in a pretty conservative society.Â
In the end, “Remember, only God can judge us, forget the haters because somebody loves ya.” No matter the controversy, you kill it and bring a lot of hope to those who need it most. In a way, I believe you are fighting for a change of heart in conservative Americans. I am not in total support, but I am in support of the breaking of social barriers and awareness to multiple sexual orientations because “The real world is not black and white, it’s a rainbow” as you would say.
Much love,
Julianna Nagle
P.S. Here is a throwback picture of me at your Best of Both Worlds concert; wig and all!