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Pets that Aren’t Allowed in Your Dorm that Should Be

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

So you and your roomies have gotten to that point of trying to convince each other to get a puppy, a kitten, a turtle, and the only thing that’s allowed is a fish… Here’s a list of all the animals we wish we could have in our dorms but sadly, can’t.

1. Puppies

2. Kittens 

3. Hedgehogs

4. Tiny Tortoise

Finally, shoutout to the fish that we settle with and choose to become a part of our dorm families.



thumbnail picture: http://www.shanalogic.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads2/2015/10/golden-r…


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Andrea Whisler

Cal Lutheran

I am currently a Senior at California Lutheran University and my major is Business Administration with an emphasis in Management and my minor is Communications. I have a passion for all writing, sports, puppies, and food.
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