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It’s Okay for Men to be Feminists

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Towson chapter.

There are many misperceptions about feminism, such as the idea that it is only for women.

This is far from the truth in two senses; feminism strives to close all gaps between the genders and eliminate privilege, as well as strive to eliminate societal expectations of all genders in order to allow people to behave how they want without retaliation. And no matter what gender you identify with, you can be a feminist. Being a feminist does not mean that you are anti-male, nor does it mean that you are only concerned with women having the same rights and opportunities as men. Feminism, as defined by Bell Hooks in her book “Feminism is for Everybody,” is, “A movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression.” This definition covers all genders, all races and class oppression.

Many people believe that only women can be feminists, but it is okay for men to be feminists, too. In fact, it is fantastic when men are feminists. Feminism is not just for women, and is actually beneficial for all genders as it supports the derailing of societal beliefs and perceptions of masculinity and power. Our society believes that men should have power and be dominant in whatever they do and we strongly support and appreciate these qualities in men, however we scrutinize and judge men that do not hold these qualities and who might be described as “feminine.” We might be more inclined to describe men as “feminine” in order to point out how they do not fit into the ideal type of man our society has created, which is harmful.

Feminism is working to eliminate the stigma surrounding femininity in men, because it means that exhibiting traits or qualities associated with women are weak and undesirable. It is okay for men to be feminists. It is okay for men to support equal rights across all genders. It is okay for men to want women to have the same political, social and economic rights and privileges as they do. Feminism is for everybody.

Kelsey is a junior at Towson University. She is a mass communications major with tracks in public relations, advertising, and journalism and minoring in marketing. Kelsey loves One Direction, 80s movies, K-pop, and makeup. She spends her spare time watching Asian dramas, writing, googling random things, and searching for the next makeup product she wants from Sephora. Other than studying and writing for Her Campus, Kelsey likes to go to new cities and attend as many concerts as she can. She is also currently nursing a broken heart due to Zayn Malik. Twitter: @kelseyjswann Instagram: @kelsey.swann