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Campus Celebrity: Nick Tom

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.


My RA Nick Tom is definitely a Campus Celebrity around Sproul. As well as his duties as an RA he’s also busy studying and plays golf for UCLA. Get to know Nick!

Major: Environmental Science Major with a concentration in Geography/Environmental Studies

Year: Fourth Year.

Hometown: Westchester, CA (Los Angeles)

Clubs you’re involved in on campus?

I’m an officer for the UCLA Club Golf team and I’m a resident assistant.

Favorite Classes you’ve taken?

It was a class about sustainable architecture (Environment M153) because I hope to go into that field in the future.

Favorite moment at UCLA so far?

It’s so hard to say since I’ve had so many great moments but I’ve really enjoyed going to all the sporting events on and off campus.  My favorite game was when my friends and I where tailgating at the UCLA vs USC last year.  I am big on the rivalry and have a lot of school pride.  You will always see me wearing blue and gold repping UCLA. 

What would you recommend getting involved in for next quarter?

I would recommend getting involved with what you are passionate about.  It can be easy to get caught up with your school work but I think it also important to explore your other interests.  Get involved with something not related to your academics, maybe something artistic or athletic.  I enjoy playing Intramural Sports every quarter and I hoping to win that T-shirt by the end of the year!

Any parting wisdom for the readers?

Make the most of your time because it goes by really fast.  There are so many opportunities so take a chance because you never know where they will lead you.  Don’t forget to have fun along the way!



Blogger & Youtuber interested in beauty, fashion & travel. Currently on a study abroad year at UCLA, originally from the UK.
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