Name: Reginald, but you can call me Reggie
Age: Young and ready to have fun!
Hometown: I’m originally from Manteca, CA. I can’t wait to meet new hedge hog friends and explore my new home in Isla Vista.
Relationship Status: Single but not really looking for anything serious. I’m living in a home with 9 girls right now, so you know how it is.
Favorite Snack: Mealworms really get me going!
Favorite Hobby: Running on my wheel really distresses me during exams!
Celebrity Role Model: Sonic! I hope to be as fast as him one day!
Favorite Attribution: My spiky hair! It really get’s the girls going!
What My Day Looks Like: I’m definitely a night owl. I sleep all day like most college students and stay up all night working out.
What’s your aspiration in life?: To graduate so I can make my momma proud!