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Britany Diego Fashion Mentor CEO
Photo by Amanda RamĂłn
Wellness > Sex + Relationships

The 12 Stages of Getting Ready to Go Out on a First Date

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ohio U chapter.
You’re about to go on a first date with your crush. Here are the stages of getting in style for that first date:
1. Jump out of bed.
2. Take a look in the closet and realize you have nothing to wear.
3. Jump back in bed.
4. Cry.
5. Call your BFF for support. 
6. Take a shower to relax. 
7.  Jam out to your favorite song (Reba’s “Going Out Like That” is a perf choice). 
8. Borrow your roommate’s dress (with permission, of course).
9. Do your makeup: 
10. Do your hair: 
11. Redo your makeup:
12. Finally grab your shoes, coat, money (just in case), and that brand new, fab lip gloss you just bought!
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