Name: Jeremy Liang
Major: Writing for Film & Television, Minor in Comedy
Year: Sophomore
Hometown: Houston, Texas
Activities and extracurriculars: Co-president of Residence Hall Association, head of Piano Row Hall Council, Treasurer of Asian Students for Intercultural Awareness (A.S.I.A.), general member of EDC, Desk Assistant in Piano Row, Orientation Leader
Proudest Accomplishment at Emerson So Far: “I am proud that I have been able to participate in RHA and Hall Council to the extent that I have. I love organizing activities for other people and it is incredibly rewarding to see even a few people enjoy the events these two organizations put on.”
Fun Fact: “I once got stung by a bee at Disneyland right after coming off of a ride called The Orange Stinger. I found it ironic because it’s a ride about bees.”
Quote: “It is our choices . . . that show what we really are, far more than our abilities.” – J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets