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26 Reasons to be Thankful for Potatoes This November

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

Thanksgiving is obviously the most important day in November… unless your football team has a big game. Thanksgiving is great for so many reasons! It’s a holiday where you can be appreciative of your loved ones and appreciate their cooking skills. It’s the gateway to the winter holiday season. Every year, turkey seems to take the spotlight with the holiday even being nicknamed Turkey Day. This Thanksgiving (Novemeber 26th), don’t let your preoccupation with turkey get the best of you. Here are 26 reasons to truly appreciate potatoes this November and every day.

1. Zapps potato chips

2. This sweet potato desert that isn’t mushy pie or casserole.

3. This purple gnocchi free of scary artificial colors. 

4. These rosemary sweet potato stackers… yum!

5. No gluten!!!

6. Apparently they are one of nature’s many beauty remedies! From brightening up your skin, to lengthening your hair, Pinterest has many users swearing by this root vegetable. 

7. McDonald’s French fries, a tried and true classic <3

8. Chik-fil-a waffle fries, because who doesn’t love foods that look like other foods?!

9. You can have them for breakfast… all night long at you rneighborhood Waffle House!!!

10. Latkes!

11. You can mash them! And according to my good pal Google, these are the best.

12. You can make them in your microwave, here my other good friend WikiHow makes sure you don’t mess this up.

13. They can be soup, in a can or from this delcious recipe by my idol, the Pioneer Woman, a hearty soup for a chilly fall day (if you consider 75 degrees to be a chilly fall day, thanks NOLA!) 


15. They pair perfectly with watching sports, and can even be a guilt-free snack! 

16. Mr. Potato head!

17. You can mail one with a message

18. Because sometimes it’s fun to be a couch potato

19. Sweet potatoes are a member of the clean 15 vegetables that you don’t need to buy organic! 

20. On the other hand, plain ol’ normal potatoes are part of the dirty dozen, giving you a reason to take a trip to Whole Foods. 

21. Historically, the potato is very important. 

22. Potatoes pair delightfully with cheese. 

23. This sentiment, courtesy of my mom (hi mom): “My favorite thing about potatoes is the way I feel when I eat them. Warm and happy inside.”

24. They are undeniably the most versatile side dish of all time, just ask Pinterest. 

25. This potato that looks suspiciously like Jay Leno. 

26. And last, but certainly not least, thank potatoes for bringing the party. 

Her Campus Tulane