Hey you,
So, I know I haven’t been in touch for a while, and I could make a million excuses as for why, but, honestly, I’m not going to lie to you. At this point, I’m ashamed to admit that I’ve been taking advantage of you, continuously swiping my debit card without any regard to how it affects you. I’ve been selfishly drawing from you and, though it may not seem like I care, I understand I haven’t given you anything in return.
You have supported me in times of complete desperation: when I needed that $5 Frappucino or a late night take-out session with friends. I know how much my actions have damaged our relationship and yet, I can’t seem to stop myself. I am not proud of how low I’ve come and, consequently, how I’ve forced you down to my level. Instead of working on us, I’ve been focused on studying and partying, throwing caution out the window.
And, while I could have been putting effort into fixing us, I chose to spend my free time watching Netflix. This letter is not just an apology, no; what I want most out of this letter is not just forgiveness, but to let you know that I want to get us back to a happy, stable place. I want us to pick up where my summer job left off. I promise to try harder. I’ve avoided checking in on you because, then, I’d have to face the music and acknowledge what I’ve done. I’m afraid of how much I’ve brought you down. But, no more! I will find the courage to check my remaining balance and build you back up to your former glory. I will find a source of income.
Until Then,
Your Account Holder
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