The premier of Saint Mary’s fall play, Tennessee Williams’ The Glass Menagerie, was last night! Meet the lead actresses, Maria Welser (’16) and Olivia Jackson (’17), who are bringing the characters to life. After weeks of hard work, nightly rehearsals, and memorizing lines, the Saint Mary’s student body will be able to appreciate these girls’ amazing talent! The Glass Menagerie will be showing Friday and Saturday at 7:30. The last performance will be a matinee on Sunday at 2:30. Go support your fellow Belles and see The Glass Menagerie this weekend! You can purchase tickets here!
What character do you play in The Glass Menagerie and what are they like?
Olivia: I play Amanda Wingfield. She is the matriarch of the family who is sometimes interpreted as a villain. I don’t think she is a villain at all. Amanda loves her family and works as hard as she can to keep them afloat during the Depression. She can be overbearing to her children but everything she does is out of love and concern for them.
Maria: I play the daughter of the Wingfeild family, Laura. Laura is caring, attentive, and deeply empathetic. I believe it is her perception of the world that makes her introverted. She perceives every detail, so much so that I believe it overwhelms her.
Is there a specific scene(s) you’re really excited about?
Olivia: There’s an intense scene between Tom and Amanda early in the show that sets the tone of their relationship as mother and son. We get to see the things they care about and the things that set them off. We also get to see the effect all of the tension has on Laura. On top of that, it’s just a really fun scene to play.
Maria: When Jim O’Connor asks Laura to dance. It is a magical moment of the play.
What has been your favorite part about being in the play?
Olivia: The cast and crew are awesome, of course. There are so many people who have contributed to this show beyond the four actors you see on stage. It’s really cool to watch all of the pieces fall into place.
Maria: Hearing Derek recite Tennessee Williams. I worked with Derek, the actor who is playing Tom Wingfeild, my first year at Saint Mary’s on a student run show at Notre Dame. His voice is perfect for the role, and brings Williams’s poetry to life.
Do you think you’re similar to your character at all?
Olivia: Amanda and I are definitely similar in some ways. We worry a lot. We are rule-followers. We both like story-telling. I think we are both good at trying to make the best out of any situation. On the other hand, I am not nearly as uptight as she is and I don’t have the kind of confidence she has. There are a lot of aspects of Amanda’s personality that I admire and some that are frustrating. I think people will get that when they see the show.
Maria: Most definitely. She is a character that cares and feels so deeply, yet has the hardest time trying to convey her thoughts and emotions to others.
What do you think people will enjoy most about the play?
Olivia: The show is visually beautiful and poetically written, and I think people will really like the characters. Tennessee Williams has a knack for writing larger than life characters who are still very human at the same time. I see parts of myself in all four characters, and I think the audience will be able to relate to them as well.
Maria: The lighting design is beautiful. I think people will be impressed by it.
Do you think there are any important messages the play has to offer the audience?
Olivia: Every time I read the play, I get something new out of it. It’s an emotional show that will mean different things to different people. I hope people leave the theatre thinking about a world that is bigger than themselves and how their actions affect the ones they love. This play is so good because it makes you think. My hope is that we put on a show the audience is still thinking about the next day.
Maria: Sometimes, our best intentions can cause us to hurt people in the worst ways.
Don’t forget to check out The Glass Menagerie this weekend!
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