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Her Campus Homecoming 2015 Features

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

Are you running for Homecoming King or Queen and want a chance to let your fellow VSU students know why they should vote for you? Here’s your chance! You can be featured in a Her Campus article.

If you would like to be featured, send an email to valdosta@hercampus.com so you can receive the interview questions! Emails are due Sunday November 8th at 11:59 PM!



Her Campus at Valdosta State.
Michaela Leung is the current Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Valdosta State. She is an honors student studying Mass Media and working on a Cross-Training Certificate in Journalism at Valdosta State University with aspirations to be a music journalist and a news anchor. This New York native enjoys fashion, all kinds of music, socializing, making people laugh and standing up for what is right. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter: michaelaskrunk