Allison Griffith and Jamal Royster are two of the greatest people I know on campus. I’ve introduced them to each other and we three have been inseparable ever since. Allison is my sister and Jamal is one of my best friends. I honestly don’t know what I would do without them. They are my rocks and my UNC experience would be completely changed, for the worse, if I hadn’t met these two wonderful people. While I’m glad that I have them, I can only hope that they are as happy as I am to be friends with me. These two cuties have to be recognized!
Her Campus: Please state your name, grade, major, and favorite UNC memory.
Allison Griffith: Sophomore, Public Relations major and Spanish minor, and my favorite memory is the snow days last year when everyone went out to the road in front of Dean Dome and everyone brought their mattresses outside. Last year, I hit different football and basketball players with snowballs then hid behind people so none of them knew it was me.
Jamal Royster: Junior, Computer Science major, and my favorite memory is when we beat Duke in basketball.
HC: What is your favorite aspect of your major?
AG: Public relations is an awesome major because it is applicable in so many fields. Right now I’m interested in doing PR in the sports world, for the NFL specifically if I could, but it’s really cool to know that I can use my major in so many different ways. Almost every company, non-profit, organization, etc. needs some form of PR. I love knowing that I can always explore different options if one doesn’t work out.
JR: The obstacles that challenge me to think, articulate and implement solutions in order to create something from nothing.
HC: What is your favorite quality about Jamal/Allison?
AG: Jamal always puts the needs of his friends above his own. It’s such an amazing quality to have and kind of rare to see nowadays. Whenever I need something, he is always willing to drop whatever it is he is doing to help. He is so selfless and such a great guy. I am so lucky to call him one of my best friends.
JR: She genuinely cares about others and enjoys learning more about other people. From their vices to their personal triumphs, she listens to all they are willing to share and accepts them.
HC: What is your ideal date?
AG: My ideal date would be watching NFL Sunday football all day with a lot of trash talking, food eating, and jersey wearing.
JR: Small day trip with the lady to a nice spot with a sunset view. That would be followed by an immaculate meal at a Japanese Steak House. After relaxing for an hour or two, we would finish off the night with a live concert. It could be a huge entertainer or a local act, as long as she can jam.
HC: What is your favorite food and why?
AG: Wow, this is actually a really tough question. If I had to choose just one, I would probably say mac-n-cheese. But not just any mac-n-cheese. Spongebob-shaped Kraft mac-n-cheese from a box holds a very special place in my heart. I could easily eat it every day and sometimes I get so excited eating it that I forget to breathe.
JR: Don’t think I will ever be able to choose between Mexican grill and Japanese steakhouse. The why is because they are both delicious and I probably eat both every day.
HC: If you could describe Jamal/Allison in one word what would it be?
AG: Incredible
JR: Tenderhearte
HC: Why did you decide to come to UNC?
AG: It’s going to sound really cliche, but I felt at home when I first toured here. UNC is known for its rigorous academics and crazy-awesome athletics, so I mean what else could I ask for? Everyone was so welcoming and kind and I knew that this was the place I wanted to spend the best four years of my life.
JR: My mother went here so I decided to put in an application. Of course academic rigor and athletics came into play, but once I visited, I was sold. One could say I got a certain vibe from the setting, people, and campus alike.
HC: Who do you think should be the next president?
AG: Honestly, I have no clue. I’m not as informed about politics as I should be (even though I’m in a political science class this semester). If we’re being honest here, Scandal is my daily dose of politics. Ya can’t go wrong with Fitzgerald Grant. But, on a serious note, I think it will be very interesting to see how the debates and primaries go and, as the time of the election draws nearer, I’ll definitely have some research to do.
JR: I have not been following politics as I probably should. Bernie Sanders has some solid ideas but I don’t know enough about his platform to make a truly informed vote.
HC: Who was your first crush?
AG: Without a doubt, Benny “The Jet” Rodriguez from the Sandlot. I used to beg my older brother to watch that movie every day with me. To this day I can easily quote the entire movie, and if we’re being honest, I will always have a crush on Benny.
JR: Jordan Hart, she was my 5th grade patrol when I was in second grade and I was tantalized.
HC: If you could trade places with Jamal/Allison for one day what would you do?
AG: I would play on his flag football team—which, by the way, won an intramural championship. If you can’t tell, I love football. Also, his team was amazing—hence the championship. It would be so much fun to play with all the guys and winning would only make it sweeter.
JR: Hang out with her roommates and our friend Morgan since they are all part of squad. Allison just gravitates toward good people I suppose.
These two friends stay in the pit Monday-Friday so be sure to say hey. They may be cuties for only a week, but they sure are cuties 24/7 in my book!