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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

Love Pitch Perfect? Huge fan of Pentatonix? Secretly listen to Vocal Point albums? If you thought “yes” to any of these questions then you are indeed an a Capella fan. Colleigettes and gentlemen, put your hands together for the U’s own a Capella group… it’s about aca-time. 

University of Utah’s Infrared was established six and a half years ago by Ricky Parkinson, a graduate student at the U who once upon a time was a member of BYU’s Vocal Point. 

Its first year landed the seven members first place at the International Championship of Collegiate A Cappella (AKA the ICCA’s… yep, that competition in Pitch Perfect is very real.) Since then, new groups cycle out as students graduate. This year’s group has a promising future ahead of them, according to John Berquist, musical director.

“Our new members are bringing an impressive level of commitment, energy and enthusiasm towards making the group their’s and the best it can be,” Berquist said. 

The turnover of 80% from last year’s group includes U students John Berquist, Hunter Olson, Becca Clarke, Ali Timmons, Natalie Epelone, Zach Marquez, Joseph Hutchins, Keanu Netzler, Carson Ivory and Bethany Barrett. Rehearsals are at least four hours a week twice a week and John said they tend to be “hardworking and fun.”

(Pictures of the new group are currently unavailable)

Recently, the current group sent in a video to a competition that could potentially award the U with twenty-five thousand dollars. They submitted a rendition of the Jackson Five’s “I Want You Back” with full choreography and a music video, which was filmed by previous member of the group Brandan Ngo. They should hear back about the competition by November 15th. 

HC: What kind of music does Infrared perform?

JB: A combination of oldies like the Beatles, Queen and Simon and Garfunkel. One of the things that makes a cappella unique is the opportunity to mash-up songs and meanings. 

HC: What was your favorite arrangement to work on?

JB: “Thriller’s Panic Station” was the first to come to mind. That one was really fun.

HC: And how many songs are in “Thriller’s Panic Station?”

JB: Four, there is “Thriller” by Michael Jackson, “Panic Station” by Muse, “Get Lucky” by Daft Punk and “Another One Bites the Dust” by Queen. The Beatle’s arrangement has probably been my favorite though.

HC: How long did you work on this one for? 

JB: Well… fourteen months.

HC: What is a new arrangement you are excited about?

JB: I’m really excited about this one, we are taking it to the ICCA’s next spring. It’s a little hard to explain. It starts out with the “Halo” chant, the “ooh’s.” Then it goes into the “Duel of the Fates” from Star Wars…

HC: That’ll be cool!

JB: Yeah then it goes into Kendrik Lamar’s version of “Bad Blood” and “Real Life” by The Weekend. Another new one is Sam Smith’s “Lay Me Down,” with Hunter and me soloing. 

HC: What is different about this group’s a cappella style versus what people see in the movies?

JB: Well, I can’t speak for “Pitch Perfect” because I’ve never seen it.

HC: The dancing is pretty hardcore…

JB: Our group has always been more musical than choreo-focused. We have more intricate mash-ups.

HC: What makes Infrared unique to other a cappella groups?

JB: We have the benefit of performing arrangements for individual singers, and other groups draw from other composers. All of our arrangements are written specifically for Infrared…We are the only group at the U!

Infrared Fall 2014 after performing for the president of the U, David Pershing.

At last spring’s ICCA’s, Berquist was awarded with “Best Music Arrangement” with the group performing a James Bond Medley, “Thriller’s Panic Station” and a mash-up of “How” by Regina Spektor and “The Trouble with Love” by Kelly Clarkson. The set-list weaved fifteen songs throughout it in twelve minutes.

HC: So when is the album coming out?

JB: The anticipated release date is December 6th but it will be for sale on November 16th. Available for 10 bucks for pre-order now!

The album was produced by Mackay Crockett, current director of BYU’s Vocal Point. It features beatboxing from Vocal Point’s current beat boxer, Adam Heimberger and all of the arrangements by Berquist. Members of the group for the album are Berquist and Olson, Kirsten Allen, Brandan Ngo, Scott Hebertson, Leslie Baker, Aex Bowen, Brenner Swenson, Lexi Midgley and Emilie Trepanier (omg that’s me!) Pieces include songs by Queen, The Beach Boys, Adele, Taylor Swift and many many more.

To keep up on goings-on with Infrared, like the Facebook page and check out their performances on Youtube. Don’t forget to check out the album as well!


Don't make this ginger snap... just kidding. I'm usually pretty nice. I am a happy-go-lucky, Avril Lavigne lovin' and poodle obsessed San Diego girl. I think I'v been handling the cold weather pretty well! Communication is my degree of choice, although maybe someday I'll be a world reknown astrologer... One last thing: I'm pretty sarcastic. 
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor