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Amanda Lachman Talks Landing an Internship, the American Marketing Association and More

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Name: Amanda Lachman   

Hometown: Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Year: Junior

Age: 20

Major: Marketing

Courtesy: Amanda Lachman

Her Campus (HC): Why did you decide to become marketing major?

Amanda Lachman (AL): I decided to become a marketing major because I have always been particularly interested in the marketing sector of business, for reasons unbeknownst to me. It is, indeed, the most important part of business so why not make it the most important part of my life?

HC: What is your dream job within the marketing field?

AL: My dream job within the marketing field would be Chief Marketing Officer (CMO).

HC: What do you do in your free time?

AL: I typically have meetings for American Marketing Association as I am on the executive board. Along with American Marketing Association, I have weekly meetings for other organizations that I am involved in on campus – one of these are the English Conversation Club. I recently landed an internship so when I am not in class you can find me there. I also attempt to squeeze a few hours of studying in the mix, but I am quite a busy gal. I also like to eat and ponder and question my existence.

HC: What is your executive position with the American Marketing Association?

AL: I am the Public Relations Chair, which essentially means that I am responsible for providing timely and comprehensive information to all of the members in American Marking Association.

HC: What made you decide to join the execute board for the American Marketing Association?

AL: I wanted to join the executive board of the American Marketing Association because I wanted an official name tag. Also, without getting too sentimental, I really do love the organization and everything that it has to offer the College of Business – and FSU as a whole.

Courtesy: Amanda Lachman

HC: Where do you intern at?

AL: Currently I intern at Domi Station, a local community incubator for technology start-ups.

HC: How did you land this internship?

AL: I got this internship simply by responding to an email that my previous professor had sent me and the rest of my classmates early on in the semester. The program is offered through the Interdisciplinary Social Science Department here at FSU. I simply sent in my resume and cover letter, interviewed for the position and landed the gig a few weeks later. This program also gives me class credit which is a definite bonus.

HC: Receiving college credit for your internship is awesome! How many hours do you need to put in weekly for this internship to be considered for college credit?

AL: The program I received my internship through requires ten to fifteen contact hours each week.

HC: Why do you think internship experience is so important?

AL: Internship experience is so important nowadays because it is something almost all employers expect students to have on their resumes by the time that they graduate college. If they do not have this experience it could potentially put them at a severe disadvantage when compared to another student with substantial internship experience – it shows that this student took the time to gain this internship experience throughout the course of their studies in college.

HC: Finally, what are your dreams once graduating college?

AL: My dream is to make lots and lots and lots of money in a big city. I would like to achieve this by becoming the CEO of a widely known company. I would also like to be in Time magazine’s list of “The 100 Most Influential People” by the time I am 30. This is a big dream, but I intend to accomplish it by becoming the CEO of said widely known company very early on in my career, while also changing the world and helping those less fortunate than myself.

Senior at the beautiful Florida State University. Creative writing major, entrepreneurship minor. Health enthusiast. Rap music aficionado. Find me (on my cheat days) at Yogurt Mountain rapping Migos.
Her Campus at Florida State University.