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Campus Cutie: Nolan Kresnak ’18

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

Name: Nolan Kresnak

Age: 20

Major: Film Production/Honors

Class: Sophomore

Hometown: Wauwatosa, Wisconsin

Relationship Status: Single ;)

Affiliation: N/A

What is your perfect date?:

This wouldn’t be a first date, obviously, but I think a romantic road trip/camping excursion would be really fun. 

What is your dream job? 

I would have been honored to be a photographer for LIFE magazine before they stopped making it.  Every person on that staff was so respected and admired because they had the best eyes for capturing people and the world in an honest light. 

If you could eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Sour Patch Kids

Who is your celebrity crush?

Rachel McAdams is gorgeous, but Beyonce probably holds the number one spot in my heart.

Favorite guilty pleasure song?

I got really into “Born This Way” last year.  Specifically the live version where Lady Gaga is playing the piano across from Elton John and then the Muppets show up out of nowhere.  Iconic.

What’s something most people don’t know about you?

In elementary school I really wanted to be a robotics engineer when I grew up.

What are your turn ons/turn offs?

I like girls who are smart, ambitious, and truly adventurous.  In general, I am just attracted to people who get excited about things, and want to go places.

What’s your favorite part about Chapman/Dodge?

I love being in Dodge because everyone around me is so talented and ambitious.  My classmates are always working on something, collaborating on shoots, or dreaming about their next big project.  It inspires me to create better work, and it makes college incredibly fun.  I can’t imagine going to school to pursue anything other than my passion.