Men used to be the ones to work and earn a salary while women stayed at home to cook and clean. However, times are changing. Women are becoming CEO’s, top athletes, and lead actresses. I listed the top five women I thought were the most popular stars that keep a comedic taste by their sides. Â
- Melissa McCarthy– Melissa has been in multiple comedies and is now starring in the sitcom Mike and Molly. She was on the cover, like “Rolling Stones” and “People” and has won multiple awards, including an Emmy and People’s Choice! She is not afraid to set critics straight either. She confronted a critic when he had said she was only a good actress when she “looked good.” She asked him if he would ever asked his daughter “[If] she’s only worthwhile or valid when she’s pretty?” Looks shouldn’t matter; it should only be about how well you portray your character.
4. Tina Fey– Any time I watch a show or movie starring Tina Fey, I feel myself getting abs! Every time she opens her mouth, I end up on the floor laughing. When her and Amy Poehler team up, I just lose it. She has won several Emmy’s, People’s Choice, Golden Globe, and more! What most people don’t know about her, is that she “wears the pants” in the family. She basically tells her husband, Jeff Richmond and her two kids what to do. She’s not aggressive, but she let’s them know she’s in charge.
- Jennifer Lawrence– She is the person we all want to be. She doesn’t care want anyone else thinks of her and says whatever is on her mind…mainly food. She plays the lead hero in the trilogy, Hunger Games, appeared in the newest X-Men, and was even named the 12th most powerful actress according to Forbes!
- Amy Schumer– Amy Schumer is a rising stars whom already has thousands, if not millions, of fans. She is in the new movie Train Wreck and does stand-up comedy and live theatre. But she is not just a great actress. She also worked on gun control issues with her cousin, Senate Chuck Schumer, and has recently asked for a higher pay for an upcoming show. Gender equality in salaries…you go girl!
- Ellen DeGeneres– Ellen is an all around amazing person. She is giving, caring, and hilarious. She is admired my millions of people, is a powerful women, and is proud to call Portia her wife! She is constantly giving to those in need, the sick, and her audience. She’s the type of celebrity that would rather spend all her money helping other and donating to charities than buy six mansions and three yachts.
  Great career?  Major confidence?  Funny as heck?  Powerful and giving?  Who says you can’t have it all. These women I have chosen do not let anyone them they can’t. They grab sight of a dream and do not stop until they get there. Don’t let anyone push you down, tell you you’re not good enough, or tell you to stop trying. If you work hard enough, you will achieve anything you strive for.