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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at URI chapter.

1. You get to hug your mom.

Sometimes that is really all you need.

2.  Your dad’s homecooked meals.

Because you forget how everything other than Ramen tastes

3.  The ambush of unconditional love from your dog.

Why isn’t everyone this happy to see me?

4.  Being taken care of.

Laundy? Done.  Meals?  Don’t worry about it.  Adulting is hard, shout out to Mom and Dad for giving you a timeout.

5. Seeing old friends (and enemies).

It’s nice to see who is doing well and who is, well, getting what they deserve.

6. Filling your brothers/sisters in on your life in an excited and slightly competitive way.

Yeah, well I have a 3.6 GPA so0o0o…

7. Grabbing everything you forgot to bring when you first moved in.

Rainjacket.  Duh.

7. Happy nostalgia.

Each time you go home your town gets a little smaller, your home feels a little different, and you realize how much you have grown.

URI Her Campus President, Campus Correspondent & Editor in Chief! Jersey Girl. Public Relations & Communication Studies double major. Class of 2O17. Usually at the beach, probably petting the closest dog.