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10 Halloween Costume Ideas: College Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Lax chapter.

It’s getting close to the middle of October; do you know what that means? HALLOWEEN IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER! The next thing you may be thinking is what kind of costume do I want to wear? This may be hard for a freshman, like myself, when you live on campus, and you didn’t bring a costume. So that leaves you with the clothes you brought in the beginning of the semester when you moved in for the semester, but no worries! With just a little inspiriation and tips, I know you can find the perfect costume without breaking the bank or, maybe, for free using the clothes you already have.

1. Rosie the Riveter

What you need: denim shirt, red lipstick, red headband/bandana, jeans

What to do: Roll up the sleeves of your denim shirt, throw on some red lipstick and eyeliner and put your hair back in a bun. Don’t forget the red headband!

2. Audrey Hepburn– If you love Breakfast at Tiffanys, this costume is perfect for you.

What you need: Black Dress, Pearl-like necklace, big sunglasses, black gloves, plastic tiara

What to do: Put your hair up in a nice updo or bun. Like most of us, I’m sure bringing a tiara to college wasn’t the number one thing on our minds. Just stop over to the dollar store and get one for $1! Put on your best LBD and throw on a big pair of sunglasses and pretty necklace. 

3. The Mean Girls- This is a great costume for you and your group of friends while using clothes that you have!

What you need: Pink sweater/ pink skirt/ etc.

What to do: Find a few friends to wear all your favorite pink sweaters and mini skirts. 

4. Cat/ Tiger- Although this halloween costume is pretty over used and common, it’s always a good one and super easy to do! What I like about this costume idea is that, although you might be one of the million girls that have the same costume, there are a million different ways you can do this to set you apart from everyone else! 

What you need: Brown dress/ shirt, eyeliner

What to do: Put on a brown dress/shirt. The fun part about this costume is the makeup! Use brown eyeliner and draw some whiskers on your face.

5. Devil and Angel

What you need: A red dress, red shoes, white dress, white shoes

What to do: This is the perfect costume to do with your best friend! One of you wear red and the other can wear white! It doesn’t need to be much more complicated than that! 

6. M&M’s- Grab a group of friends and have fun with this costume!

What you need: Shoes/shirt/pants all one color

What to do: This is the perfect, last minute costume. Grab a group of your closest friends and pick a seperate color for everyone to go all out in that color! 

7. Bridesmaids- Grab some friends and have fun recreating the picture below!

What you need: Pink dresses and one white dress

What to do: Grab 6 friends. Have 5 of them were pink dresses and the other one wear a white dress, and before you know it, you will be the new bridesmaids!

8. The Cheetah Girls- A fun group costume!

What you need: Four friends and cheetah print clothes

What to do: Wear all the cheetah print clothes that you have. 

9. Miley Cyrus- Dress as Miley Cyrus during her bun phase.

What you need: High waisted shorts, crop top, sneakers, red lipstick

What to do: Wear your favorite high waisted shorts, crop top and sneakers. The most fun part about this costume is putting your hair in buns. Oh Miley, what were you thinking?

10. Pretty Little Liars- The A Team

What you need: Four friends, Black or Red Sweatshirts, black or red sweatpants, black gloves

What to do: Have 3 friends dress in all black hoodies and sweat pants, while the fourth girl dresses in red.

Sarah Mueller is a senior majoring in Organizational and Professional Communication and minoring in Professional Writing. She loves to write, run, and do yoga in her free time. Follow her on instagram: sarah_muelller