When you’re feeling a little down or even a lot of anger, there’s always ways you can channel those emotions into something productive! Here are three (of many ways) to do so.
1. Clean!
Clean your room, bathroom, kitchen, closet, everything! Clean like a maniac and you’ll find that you feel a little bit better with each thing you clean, and if you don’t you have a clean house!
2. Exercise
Exercising is one of the best ways to let your emotions out. You can get so much out of yourself by just taking a jog or heading to the gym and, thanks to Elle Woods, we all know that exercise gives people endorphins which makes you happy!
3. Creative Ways
Whether it be through drawing or writing out your feelings in prose or poetry, there’s no better way to make something beautiful out of your anguish than through a creative outlet. Try painting or dancing and you might just find yourself feeling a lot better and something new you’re good at.
Feel Better!